Monday, March 23, 2020

Speeding up doesn't mean to rush. It means not missing the synchronicities

Kai-san's talk was wonderful!


Yesterday I talked LIVE 
for 55 minutes about Michael Roach〜!!

"What is happening now" is the "sprouting seed" of "the seed you planted in the past." Online seminar 

Moved by the many reactions to this post!

Free until today!! We must let go of our "planned life" in order to gain our "true life" 

Who's life are you living? 
What is your story? 

When you get tired of being a victim of life, 
you'll say "I've had enough!" 

Hero→ Taking responsibility for the path your own life takes. 
The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. (Nietzsche) 

We must let go of life to go according to plan, 
then we can gain our true lives. 

The truth is not in "what happens"
but in "how we deal with what happens." 


↓↓↓to do that↓↓↓

↓↓↓To do that↓↓↓

・Have courage. Have courage to look within yourself. 
・What am I here to do? 
・What do I feel the most passion doing?
・What is my greatest gift? 
・How can I use  that to impact and serve the world? 

What makes you feel most alive?! 

 Becoming Rich 
Becoming Famous 
Besides that→It's "doing what you love to do!" 

What are you passionate about?
What do you love doing? 
What are the activities that when you engage them it feels like hours go by in minutes? 

Find out what you most love to do,  
and do more of that thing! 

What was it that made me different as a child, 
what set me apart? 

What is "something that you've always wanted to do but haven't"?


"Personnel should

  certainly be chosen from 

 the peculiar people" 

Nariakira Shimazu

From Noda-san's mail magazine 

I went to Ogura and Hakata and 
connected with people there. 

"The biggest risk of a leader is not being excited/inspired" 
The greatest job we can do is to inject "excitement". 

What's important is 

that you are excited 
that you are sparkling 
that you are feeling alive and invigorated. 

I hope that gets through.
That would make me really happy. 
If everyones sped up 
and got faster than the Earth's rotation, 
miracles will happen everywhere. 

Speeding up doesn't mean 
It means not missing the syncronicities. 

When you're excited, your vibrations are elevated, 
and more and more synchronicities happen! 

An inspired free dude!!!

Hisae-san♪Kaori-chan♪See you again〜♪

Meeting at Hakata Office ♪

What should you say to get through to that person? 
What can you say to guide that person to the essence? 

Even if you tell them that protein is important, children won't take it. 
If you tell them that soccer player Okazaki takes protein gets a little bit closer to the essence. 

Even if you say, "If you come to the seminar you'll understand what I'm saying!" your friend won't want to know that "you are right", right? lol 

We want them to know that, it's useful for what they are interested in NOW. 

As you go higher in dimensions, you'll see a clearer "path to the essence"! 

Basketball girl!

Can create a buzz once you get the hang of it! 

Team Ogura was amazing〜♪

Happened to bump into each other!

Travelling with Tomochin・・・

Appreciate everyone in each region!

Went to Miyazaki too・・・
