Monday, January 13, 2020

"Result" →Impossible to control "Actions"→Possible to control "Achievement"=Your repeated actions

Here is a report from "Daichan" who attended Ikeda-san's seminar!! 


Achievement=Skill (Skills are "your repeated habits" 

Achievement=The habits you repeatedly do

Habits of excellence=Deep introspection and concrete determination 
Introspection is "Specific reflecting of yourself in practical ways


Please answer this!!!

1.What kind of month would this month need to be to be an awesome month? 
2. List up of happenings
3. What are the things that would  hinder  1? How will you overcome those things? 
 (※The reason for losing is self-destruction. The problem is simply a lack of preparation) 
4. To start with? "What will you do, where and when?" 
 Write it in your schedule book.
 (※This will double your achievement rate. Reduce "I'll think about it later")

Preparation for Goal Setting=Memory Management 
 ※Efficacy←A state of "I can do it!" 
    The higher this state is, the more active you will be. 

What's more important is the state you are in, rather than what you are aiming for. 

Goal Setting

1. Recall your past achievements
 Reflect onto your life until now. Think about 
 ☆Your achievements
 ☆Things you completed 
 ☆Things you challenged yourself to do
 ☆What are the things that you're glad you did???
2. Expand your ideas for what would make 2020 the best year yet
  If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you aim for? 
   If you didn't have to worry about money, what would you aim for? 
   If fear did not exist what kind of future would you work toward? 
   What is the best state for your health? 
   What is the best state for your business? 
   How do you want your skills to develop? 
  What is your best financial state like? 
   What would be the best state for your family and human relationships? 

※Your fears are the scary things that you repeatedly imagine on your own.
※Human brains will make things you don't want come true if its based on a fear. 

If you have narrow vision in your daily life, 
then you stop knowing what you need to do. 
(People who unconsciously use their smartphones or play games in in-between times, those whose brains gave up thinking, or those who want to be in the same place all the time.) 

3.  Narrow down to 4 must's  (※Stages of intensity of desire)
wish(would be nice if I ouldー)
should(should do it, but: it's the most difficult state) 
must (there's no way this won't happen This is the strongest and most easy state) 

If there are alot of wishes, you will find a must←Dream list 100
If you have no musts, then your life has no commitments, so your life becomes one that "doesn't matter." 
If you chase things that aren't must, you'll have a tough life. 
After you find your musts, write out why you want to do it.

Results and Action 
Results are not in the realm of control, but actions can be controlled 

If you want to change your results with "must", 
you should focus on "what actions to take" 

1.Set result goals 
※Should be specific and clear goals like, 
Lost 5 kgs. Have a clean room. Travelled to 3 countries.
2. Set action goals 
※Lose 5 kgs→Go to the gym 3 times a week 
Clean room→Invite people over more often
If you set action goals every week, you can set it 52 times in a year. 
Stacking action goals will add up and cause your growth rate will soar later on. 

7 Steps for Achievement 
1.Clarify your desires 
2.Write out your desires 
3.Give your goals a deadline    Deadline=Feeling of responsibility 
4.List up your musts. Carry it with you. 
5.Create a plan based on this list. 
6.Enact your plan quickly 
7.Do something every day to move you closer to your goals. 

Today was Ishikawa Sensei's achievement rally in Kobe!!!

Miyuki-san's "tears" "tears" "tears"・・・

Got to meet Kumiko Sakamoto at long last!!!

The venue filled with happiness!!!

Shintani-san too!!

I bumped into Chihiro's team. Happy! 

Midori and Yukari!!!

Team Okayama〜!!!

It was fun!

Okazaki-san, thank you.

From Shima too!!!

My niece, looking forward to it! 



Just a small difference,  
and people will walk a completely different future! 

Super Yamazaki Academy is exploding forward〜!

Oh my〜

"Fear of a large volcanic explosion" Eruption near Manila, residents evacuate 
 Thankful for the support by those in each region!

Thank you!

I received these beautiful flowers in Koriyama!

Sonoda-san's birthday party in Kagoshima!!!
Thank you!

Intense talk with Kitakon !


Today's Tokyo GAS!(lol)