Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Near future "a world connected by 5G" →The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication sent out this video!

What will the near future look like?!
Information that seems to far away can get one excited/nervous
but this video who's in an unusually natural way, how now and the past, and present and future could

It's great that it was sent out from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication sent out/made this video!

It's about 3 minutes and 50 seconds. Please have a look!


【Image movie】Connect future
   ~A world connected by 5G~(3 minute ver) 
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication 

【Image Movie】Connect future
~A world connected by 5G~(technical explanation)

1G・・・Shoulder strap phone
2G・・・Can use SMS
3G・・・Can send still images
4G・・・Can send videos
5G・・・Can send 4K、8K videos

Can send large amounts of information  swiftly without any delay!
(Information from Mr. Ita!)

Shinsuke Shimada↓↓↓Appears!


Australia is having a hard time!


We will learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine!


■ People who easily lose confidence can grow

┌1)The true color of thinking you're "a little above average" 

When asked,

"How do you see your own ability?"

many would answer,
" a little above average."

If it were a full score of 100 points, at about 60 or 70 points.

This is common in a variety of fields, whether its work,
learning, or hobbies.

But is that really congruent with reality?

In 1999, Dunning Kruger from Cornell University
did the following experiment.

First of all, the research team
created a 30 question survey
that were made up of a variety of jokes.

Come tot think of it, there's nothing
like a joke to get you using your brain.

To understand which part is funny
and responding right away.

It's the perfect material to research
perceptual abilities.

The research team first sent this
survey to 8 professional comedians.

They had them numerically score each joke
on a sale of 1~11.

Next, they showed the same survey to
65 Cornell university students, and had
them score it in the same way.

And then they compared the two.

The research team measured and scored
the students scores to "see how they match up
to the professionals scores."

The closer their rating matched up to the professionals,
the higher sense of humor they were estimated to have.

From here, they did something even more interesting.

They had the students anticipate and evaluate
"how they themselves scored."

The results were surprising.

┌2)People who easily lose confidence can grow

Start with the subjects who had under 10% matching rate.

Unfortunately, they were considered in this experiment to have
"the worst" sense of humor.

However, there was an interesting discovery here.

These people guessed that they matched about【60%】

A true overestimation of 6 times.

However, such overestimations were seen less and less
as the matching rate got higher.

For example, those with a matching rate of  around 60%
guessed their rate was 70%.

The interesting findings continue.

Part of the subjects even had a matching rate of
close to 90%, a professional sense of humor.

Still, those people guessed that they only matched
about 【70%】

Basically, they had underestimated themselves 8 or 7 times.


"Those with low levels of performance 
tend to overestimate their own skills."

"Those with high levels of performance 
tend to underestimate their own skills. "


These psychological tendencies were named
 after the researcher and named the
"Dunning Kruger Effect" 

 What do you think?

Doesn't this effect shows up and
explain many situations in our daily lives?


Why are there critics who are
all talk and condescending.

Why beginners try to brag
and want to teach others.

Why, the higher level someone is, 
the humbler they are, 
and why they are in awe of 
and respect each person's own path. 


If you're losing confidence about your skills 
or how to proceed from here, 
please don't worry. 

It simply means that you found out that 
there is that much more 
"room to grow" in your field of skills. 

There's more room available to grow
for those who lose confidence easily.

Thank you for reading!

Today's episode was referenced with gratitude from the content below.

Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own
Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments
Justin Kruger and David Dunning Cornell University

"Thinking you know/The science of Ignorance"
(The Knowledge Illusion: Why We Never Think Alone)

2018年 Hayakawa Publishing

Author Steven Slogan, Phillip Fernbach
Translator  Nami Hijikata