Thursday, November 2, 2023

'Forgetting yourself' is the greatest pleasure for a person! All of our abilities come from 'physical strength'!

(1) What your goals for this fiscal year?

(2) What is going well?

(3) What is not going well?

④ So what are you going to do about it?

5) What did you get from doing this exercise?


We have the goal of 1.

With 2.3 we can grasp the current state.

The gap between the goal and your current situation is made clear. 

Now 50% of the work is done.


How can we fill this gap?

Let's write down the TO DO (tasks)!

This will be 4.

Now 75% of the work is done.

This is where the fire is lit in my heart.

By reverse engineering, we see that 

until we understand the current situation and come up with the necessary tasks,

we don't need motivation. 

More to the point, 

just list up all the tasks. You don't have to promise yourself you'll do it. 

When tasks are lined up, the mind becomes motivated!


I will do what needs to be done with excitement.

With a beautiful mind!

With a Beautiful State!


Effortless Effort.

Effortless effort.

Action without trying too hard. 


The IG live with Mr. Ichinose was wonderful〜〜〜


Thank you!


So grateful to everyone in each region!



Did my best at the recording session yesterday!

Thank you to the studio!


A whole load of content!!!

Sugoi way of speaking that sells things naturally!





 On the job training

The vocational education of employees by having them perform practical work in the workplace.




What does this mean?

It means learning on the job in the workplace.




Omi merchants


↓↓↓How wonderful↓↓↓

The 10 teachings〜〜〜!

(1) Business is a service to the world and to others

  Profit is its natural reward.


(2) More than the size of the store

  It is more than whether the place is good or bad

  It's about the quality of a product


(3) More than flattery before selling

  Focus on service after the sale,

  This is what creates eternal customers → fan base.


(4) Don't worry about having too little money.

Worry about not having enough trust credit.

5) Don't force the sale.

  Don't sell what customers like.

  Sell what is good for the customer!


(6) Selling good products is good.

  It is even better to advertise a good products and sell even more!


(7) Even a piece of paper is a prize that will make the customer happy.

  When you have nothing to give away

  Give a smile as a prize!


(8) Keep  money in the right place.

  Discounting is only good if it makes the customer feel bad.

(9) Always think about today's profit and loss.

  Make it a habit not to go to bed without knowing today's profit and loss.


(10) There is no boom or bust in business.

  There must be a profit in any case. 





When you are listening to your favorite music
When you are reading your favorite book
When you are watching your favorite movie
When you are enjoying your favorite hobby
The fun part about it is 
"Forgetting yourself" isn't it?

Maybe you are so absorbed in it 
that you don't even think it's fun while you are forgetting yourself.
That's how much you let go of your self-consciousness.
Maybe "fun" is what you think when you come back to yourself.

"Forgetting yourself" is the most pleasant feeling a person can have.



What people who can do the job have that those who can't don't

Judgment, observation, communication, learning, metacognitive skills, problem solving, self-management, innovation, leadership, and concentration.

There are so many abilities that people who are good at their jobs have that it's impossible to list them all.
But one thing is common to all of them.
One thing they all have in common is that they all come from having "physical strength".


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s