Monday, March 6, 2023

Being popular with people, popular with luck, popular with money. How does one do that? !

 Motesalo (salon for being popular) 

Is now accepting applications〜



My friend is publishing a book via Sanctuary and will be doing a seminar!

Getting your ideal life, 

just as you are! 

If you join, something will begin〜

Sanctuary Publishing 

B1F Event Hall

(2-14-9 Mukogaoka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan)



This is my friend's channel.

Please check it out!


Yamashin Channel




【3 minutes to see for a lifetime】Presbyopia Recovery Training!

How to improve your eyesight from 0.1 to 1.0!

How to Cure Presbyopia (No Reading Glasses Needed!)


This video moves me〜



The seminar in Osaka with Mr. Hiramoto the other day・・・



There were two speakers. 

Mr. Hiramoto presented "meta-model" that delivers a message to the recipient from the big picture, each topic, and specific examples. The model is to clarify from the whole to the details.


Taku-chan's explained the "Milton Model," which folds in multiple layers of stories and metaphors, evokes laughter, pain, and a sense of the past, and puts the audience in a trance while letting the message soak in. 

The Milton Model is a model in which the core message enters the unconscious with the experience of "I don't remember what was said, but it was good!" 



 "Once-in-a-decade level" of pollen in the air.....12 times the amount of last year. 

"Not just a level of very high."

“10年に一度レベル”花粉の大量飛散…量は去年の12倍「非常に多いどころではない」 “10年に一度レベル”と言われる花粉の飛散が、ピークを迎えています。飛散量を測定する現場からは、「非常に多いどころではない」と悲鳴が上がっています。 ■来週から“脱マスク”? 街の人の対応は…  花見客:「とってもきれいです、来て良かったです」  東京・上野の“早咲きサクラ”に集まった多くの人々。来週、マスクの着用が「個人の判断」となりますが、マスク…リンク



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s