Wednesday, December 14, 2022

There was nothing but "yes" and "I'd be glad to"! Dreams are for "enjoying the moment"!

Did the post yesterday get you thinking?〜〜

The moment you become God. Whenever you let go of something, something better comes next.

Katsuaki Sato-san 


20 billion yen in assets?

80,000 yen rent? ! (lol)

A relaxed Katsuaki Sato-san

The virtual Shibuya Sato-san created!




What a surprise!

The insta-live was interrupted by heat again!


I couldn't leave it on IGTV.

So we're going to do a Zoom seminar instead!


Click on the QR code above to connect to Kayo's line!

You can get the ZOOM ID there!


The conditions for participation are

You must have bought the book and have it ready at hand

and hold it up to the zoom screen!


Notes from our IGLIVE・・・



Who you want to be is...

someone who you aren't now?


The real you!



 Your heart moved.


 What was your emotion at that time?


 What did you really want to do?


 How to make that wish come true?




 Hints can be found in the people you want to meet again



 1) Who would you like to meet? Why?

 2) Who would you like to see again?

 3) Why?


 True Self


Why did you write the book?


When I got serious about writing, so my antennae went up = RAS

I hired a consultant

I wrote 30,000 words

The consultant asked the publisher

Could you write 100,000 words?


I had no choice but to say "yes" or "I'd be happy to"!



At Tsutaya in Roppongi Hills

I wrote,  "Please use me."




Dream list

What you want to do 


There are people who are allergic to dreams

They are afraid〜〜〜


Dreams are for enjoying the now! 


In a dream = Being engrossed/fully immersed 


I'm having fun

I'm alive/feeling fulfilled 


If you don't have a dream

Stay close to those who do have dreams!

Because dreams are transferable.



Emotions build up in internal organs?!

Lungs →Sadness

Stomach →Loneliness

Liver → Anger

Spleen →Self-denial

Kidney →Fear (also knees)

Right hip → gynecology

Left hip →intestines →anxiety


Unwind and your emotions will unwind!


↓↓↓Look what I found


Coughing → not being able to say what you can't say

Ankle water →Kidney

Dermatitis → state of being against something

Anger only comes out of your mouth.

Get it out, spew it out!

If you can't, let your anger by moving your mouth without sound. 

Your brain will be fooled!


The  insta-live that was interrupted midway


Conversation (Yuko Kasamura, KASAMURA METHOD)





Here's how to succeed!


Expand your basic cognition!

Basic cognition = scope of what you know


People are starving to death along the river.

It's not that they don't know how to catch fish.

They don't know they can eat fish!



[Highlights] Naoya Inoue vs Paul Butler.  

Highlights & future developments in depth! [Future Developments



Naoya Inoue unifies the four organizations with an 11th round TKO victory with room to spare!

Butler overwhelms Inoue, unbeaten in 24 fights (Daily Sports)




Thank you for the other day!


↓↓↓メFrom newsletter↓↓↓

By using non-verbal communication to your advantage.

the workplace changed drastically in a short period of time!


Ms. Mayuko (pseudonym), a section manager who was transferred to the subsidiary

put it into practice


Her greeting voice became more energetic!

Members who did not express their opinions at meetings

started to voice their opinions!


In fact

Mayuko thought in her heart.


'The people at the subsidiary...'

 They're really unmotivated!

 I have to change them!"


This feeling was communicated non-verbally.

Quickly, she practiced the following

 "State 1.5x."

(non-verbal communication that express at 1.5 times, the state of mind and the feelings

 through expressions, gestures, tone of voice, etc.)

You'd be surprised how quickly the

The atmosphere in the workplace changed.


"Psychology for Managers to achieve both results and happiness." 


Reproducible techniques based on Adlerian psychology.



2023   1/18(wed) night


From Masaya Onimaru


I am contacting you to ask for your cooperation regarding the following [two points].


Due to the Ukrainian crisis, the lives and livelihoods of vulnerable people, such as former child soldiers and landmine victims, whom we have been supporting, are threatened by the rising cost of food and fuel in the areas we support.





In addition to the rapid changes in the environment that I just mentioned, Terra Renaissance is also facing its first financial crisis since its founding due to the [rapid depreciation of the yen] that has been progressing since the beginning of this year. 

To downsize our business could mean giving up on the "lives" and "livelihoods" of the people we are currently supporting.


So we, too, did not give up and appealed to as many people as possible to donate to the winter fundraising campaign, aiming to raise 30 million yen. However, as of the beginning of December, we have received only 28% (8.3 million yen) of the required amount.


While we are grateful for the donations already received, we are continuing to call for more support

Please share this too!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s