Monday, November 21, 2022

[Freedom from Slave language] Determination to be happy. "Deep appreciation for small things = Successful person"


Thank you Keiko-chan!

Feel your body, see it objectively! 

Objectivity = looking at yourself from the outside


Understand your thinking habits

Same vibrations attract each other = attraction

When you raise your vibrations, your reality will improve.

Create a state where you can only think so.


Kado (the art of flower arrangement)

Tea ceremony, etc.

All of these are ways to "stop internal dialogue"

Internal dialogue we have 60,000 times a day

Polite = Mindfulness that comes from Japanese mannerisms 

Are Japanese people serious?


Japanese they do things with care! 


Make it a habit and apply it to your life!


The universe is a giant computer.

All you have to do is download.

And keep/maintain that good state! 


There is nothing in this world that you HAVE to do

[freedom from slave language]


Turn it into something you want to do


Only do what you want to do

= Determining to be happy

On this planet,

I'm here to experience what I want to experience!


I have a habit of trying my best because I'm anxious

So I don't want to let go of my anxiety lol


Put yourself in nature.

It will teach you something.

Even if it's not taught, you know it


Reach out to your subconscious

Determine to live happily

Where you step out of your comfort zone, there a path will be made for you

■Flow or zone

Doing things with care is the gateway

Culture of silent eating → culture of savoring


■How to be aware

What is the RAS on the lookout for? 

Your premises (preconditions) are what come true 


■Making it a habit

Changing your norms


■History of Japan    Prayers of our ancestors

Revival of pride


Emotions are the energy that materialize things

17 seconds

17 seconds x 4 = 68 seconds


Flaws are "the cute parts" that the universe has gifted you! 

You can make your own decisions in life

And it will be as you decide.


Freedom is perfect harmony


When you haven't given ourselves  the permission to live in freedom

is why we can't allow others to be free

It creates a society that keeps an eye on others

Stop living a life that wastes today for tomorrow


What is the one thing

that all successful people do?


They savor the feeling of  "already having it" = Gratitude


Successful people

have deep gratitude for what they already have

They have deep gratitude for small things

(Please refer to the "Secret Habit" below)


0 - (-5) = what?!

If we subtract "-5" from zero...

The answer is 5.

If you subtract 5 from 0, you get -5.

If you subtract -5 from -5, you get +5!



Zero is

-5 and +5 exist (yin-and-yang yin-yang integration)

Then take away the -5 and you are left with the positive 5!


Yin and Yang coexist in everything! 


Negative thoughts are brains safeguards

Negative thoughts are important to protect life


The most important purpose of human beings is

to continue life and procreate


God's  job is to create this world

Therefore, it is necessary to have positive

Act with care

In the flow or zone


Doing one's best→Sense of achievement


1~22 levels of emotion



Negative ones are are malfunction of the brain. 




【Fabulous book】

"Secret Habits" that only those who have gotten money d good luck at the same time know. 


『The Having The power to attract wealth and fortune』

by Seo-Yoon Lee and Joo-Young Hong (with quantum mechanical explanation)


Having Wealth and Good Fortune at the same time


Practice HAVING!


For Tomorrow

Stop living a life that wastes today for tomorrow. 


When you bought your iPhone.

How did you feel?!


Feel fully and be satisfied with what you have


Savor what you  have

Feel the joy and gratitude all over!


The cup is there!


Does it exist because you believe it is there?! 

Baking cookies


Energy to create the future



are what changes reality! 


Keep a HAVING notebook



Create a having notebook with a list of all the things or feelings you now have. 




Today I'm in Osaka. Celebrating Ryoji Morita! 

This is how we're heading there! 

See you all in Osaka! 

For lunch?!




Soccer =The World Cup in Qatar, the first World Cup to be held in the Middle East

The curtain rises on a grand opening ceremony!






"Hol Soba" which showed up as Solitary gourmet. 

"Only those who have tried it will know how good it is." 

「孤独のグルメ」にも登場した「ホルそば」…「食べた人にしか、このうまさはわからない」(読売新聞オンライン)「今から約60年前、町の鉄板から生まれました」 ホルモン(内臓肉)の焼きそば。略してホルそば。食文化に詳しい鳥取情報文化研究所代表の植田英樹さん(52)は、そのリンク




This piano



Information from my friend Nao Takagi




⭕️Coppa Di Tokyo⭕️

       Classic Car Race

11/23(Wed)㊗️12:30 Goal🏁 !!!




Submitted a 28.9 trillion yen supplemental budget proposal. 

Comprehensive economic stmulus measures 80% debt. 

28.9兆円補正予算案を提出 総合経済対策、8割が借金 - LINE NEWS政府は21日、総合経済対策を実行するための2022年度第2次補正予算案を国会に提出した。一般会計の歳出総額は28兆9222億円で、物価高の負担軽減策や新型コロナウイルス感染症対策を講じる。22リンクnews.line.me___________________________




 "UP&UP"  online community for 777yen a month




↓↓↓7 pockets premium↓↓↓
Gonna do this〜〜〜

7ポケット | Facebook7つの収入源を持とう! そんな未来型人間、あなたをサポートします。 7つのコミュニティ 7つの情報源 7つの収入源 7つの人脈 精神衛生的にも 経済的にも 人間関係的にも 成長と貢献の場を 一緒に作っていきませんか〜〜〜. リンク




Take a trip to Karatsu!

Thank you everyone in Hamamatsu〜〜〜

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s