Thursday, July 28, 2022

Feel it. Feel what you feel. Immerse yourself in nature. Don't think. Feel.

Best Seller

"Tomabechi Hideto's Rich Brain: Happiness Begins with Discarding~"

The world's easiest-to-understand book summary

【ベストセラー】「苫米地英人の金持ち脳 ~捨てることから幸せは始まる~ 」を世界一わかりやすく要約してみた【本要約】▼Amazonの購入はこちら👉👉▼【目次】0:00 ご挨拶・導入2:06 本日のお品書き2:21 ①限 「貧乏脳」を捨てない限り、あなたは一生貧乏である19:10 ②限 あなたが「金持ち脳」になるための最短経路   ▼参照タイトル:苫米地英人の金持ち...リンク




Whether you are rich or poor is the gap between your income and expenses!!!




People who are misaligned→have a dissatisfied brain



A brain with low self-esteem → headed straight for poverty


↓↓↓ Do what you want to do! ↓↓↓↓





Feel what you feel.

Take time to feel what you are feeling. 


Immerse yourself in nature.


Don't think.


【Very important】

Books you should definitely read at least once in your life

"Sense of Wonder" by Rachel Carson





Yesterday's seminar in Saga was

full of a combination of sparkling feelings and excitement. 

It was a wonderful time. 

Ms. Harumi Kamo

Thank you very much.

I had the privilege of staying in this beautiful villa. 

一棟貸し - Castle Side Villa 波静 -|【公式】佐賀・唐津 水野旅館|ベストレート保証|こだわりのお料理を、心安らぐオーシャンビューにて歴史ある武家屋敷門がお出迎えする、佐賀・唐津 水野旅館。新鮮で上質な食材にこだわり、美味求真を信条に調理されたお料理は、全室オーシャンビューの客室にてご堪能いただけます。唐津湾を眺めながら玄界灘の海の幸を味わう、特別な時間をぜひ水野旅館でお過ごしください。リンク


Harumi advertised it, and it sold out even before  the flyer arrived from the printers. Wow! 


The power of a team



Loved "Grand Bleu!"

Jack Myall was my aspiration. 


I said, "When you say Karatsu, of course Jack, right?" 

Then Harumi said, "I've met him before." (wow)


Three such people at the after party?

I'm impressed by Karatsu! 


The squid here at the Michelin restaurant made our lives happier! 

A clear squid〜〜〜〜


Rainbow Matsubara!!!

Thank you everyone who joined us. 

The computer and the projector didn't sync up well, so we had to rearrange the powerpoint,  export them to PDF files, connect a new computer, and project them, and some people even went to their homes to retrieve a computer behind the flurry of activity... Thank you!


It was a miraculous tightrope walk, but we were able to hold the seminar. 

I got the cold sweat when the power of the PC connected to zoom went out (lol) but it all worked out in the end. Thank you so much! 


The seminar in Karatsu

I will never forget it!!!

I found this poster at the venue!!

What's this?!How nice lol 


The governor doing house-keeping? 




This will happen tonight〜!



Through UP & UP, 

with a monthly fee of 777 yen 

you can receive the following services. 



・Unlimited seminars from a variety of speakers!

・Weekly Q&A group consultations



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Thank you Yu-kun☆゜:*:・゜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s