Friday, June 3, 2022

"Decision" = "Good Result" By all means, let's "enjoy working on it".

I am on my way to Iceland now.

It has been a while since I have spent time in the JAL lounge.



Let's learn from Takamasa Ikeda's mail magazine! 




■ These 6 points will change your life

Here are 6 key points to empower your power to decide 

●Point 1: Know the power of decision-making to change your life 

Here are six key points to empower your power to decide.

Point 1: Know the power of decision-making to change your life by making decisions.

If you listen to the stories of many successful people, 

you will quickly learn that their lives and businesses have changed for the better because they "made a decision".

Our lives are created by the decisions made in life. 

●Point 2:  The hardest part of achieving is making a true commitment 

Most people who set New Year's resolutions to "lose weight," "study English," or "increase my income" give up by mid-February.

It's not that they have difficulty achieving their goals.

It is because they are just aiming for the goal with an idea and "no real commitment".

True commitment begins to emerge when you identify what you want to stick to and what values you will cherish in 2022.

●Point 3: Decide repeatedly

Decisiveness is like a muscle.

If you don't use it at all, it will deteriorate rapidly.

On the other hand, the more often you use it,

the better your decision-making ability will improve.

If you are not making decisions on a regular basis, let's start with something easy to do.

Decide, "I will clean up my room in three minutes!" and do it.

Just by declaring and doing it, your decisiveness will improve.

●Point 4: Learn from the Results of Execution 

What you did at the time was for the best, 

but later you may realize that you should have done it differently.

For example, I write this newsletter around 4:00 p.m. now.

That is because I have learned that it is better for me to write

in the afternoon than first thing in the morning.

I also value the Daily Review, a review of my day.

This is because looking back on the day and

 learning from my decisions makes the next day and beyond better.

●Point: Don't change the what decide to do, but keep changing the how

Even if you decide, "I'm going to get into the habit of exercising!" 

rain may interrupt your "jog every day" routine.

Many people give up on their decision once an interruption occurs 

or their chosen approach does not work.

The problem is not that they didn't accomplish it.

Rather, it is the habit of throwing things away when things don't work out.

If your way of doing things doesn't work, keep trying new ways of doing things.

Flexible people always enjoy life to the fullest.

●Point 6: Enjoy making decisions 

Decisions are about deciding where you want to go and what you want to do with your life.

'All right! Let's clear off my desk!" Or, "Okay! Let's wash the dishes!" And so on.

Decisions bring better results, so let's have fun with it!

So let's have fun with it.

I hope that for many of you, making decisions can become more of an every day matter! 

Because decision-making is a learnable skill that allows us to move lightly through life.

I hope this gives you some hints.

Takamasa Ikeda




That's wonderful~~~





Know the power of decision making to change your life 

The hardest part is making a true commitment 

Decide repeatedly 

Learn from the results of your actions 

Don't change the what, change the how 

Enjoy making decisions 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s