Michael Roach Research
What is human happiness?!
1Financial Freedom
2Want to find a soul mate
3Want to be completely healthy(Youthful and energetic)
4Inner peace
5World peace
World Peace
I want you to have what I have
How to make these come true?!
The 4 steps
1) Have a goal
2) Find a partner with similar goals
3) Support that person for one hour a week
(4) Every night, go to sleep celebrating and loving yourself for your contribution.
The Pen
This is a pen
For dogs, it's a toy.
When no one is around?
It's just an object.
In Buddhism, it's called "emptiness"
From the speech
I have something I want you to do for me.
Something I want companies to do too
Emotional ups and downs
Training the muscles of the mind
People who are in a position to be users.
People who are in the position of seeing it as a business.
People who are in the position of being collaborators.
To change an organization→Change yourself
Build an organization →Build a team
You don't want your life to be the same as it is now.
And yet
You can't be making the same choices.
Decide that you will always put into practice,
what your mentor says!
Rather than facing the organization
Working as one with everyone in the organization
together facing society.
The way I saw it, changed from a side business
to a full time business.
I wanted to be free to do my work.
Work hard and do your job right and be free.
I want you to believe you can succeed.
I want you to have the strength to believe.
I tried to stay close to people who you think
"This person sees more than I do."
I want to confirm what we discussed.
That's what it sounded like.
That's how it looks to me.
People remember everything that happened!
Take into account the feelings of the people
NO2 Theory
The people who help the vision of the leaders take shape
get the most results.
The Nature of the Enterprise
What do companies want most of all?!
Commitment is still necessary
We are in the midst of a legend.
Your thirties are short
Talk about the goal
Choose who will be nized by
Who are you influenced by?!
Once you learn, do it, practice it.
Naomi Osaka broke down in tears during the match
Lost in the second round...
"The screams of the crowd bothered me."
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s