Friday, March 25, 2022

Beliefs to change! Have interest in your belief system.

Beliefs to change!!!


What you think= your beliefs

Activating your talents for achieving your goals. 


When you want to achieve your goals・・・

Declare, "My goal is 〇〇."


Example question


I believe I can't do it.

I believe it will take me a long time

I do not believe I have the ability to do it

I don't think I have the right conditions.

I have an aversion to money.

I have an aversion to money, and people who talk about money.

I am...




At what age were these beliefs formed?

0~5 years old

5~10 years old・・・


Asked in order of age 1, 2, 3...



Is the subject your father? Mother?

Is it one person?

Are there others?

Am I correct in assuming that it's only one person?


Dig deeper!




Find out the age the belief developed

with its characters.

imagine the story and listen to each one.


Then we can discover assumptions and find the causes.



My father said, "People who say 'money, money' have no dignity."

So I that's why I dislike that type of person.

But I believe that people who can make money are worthy people.

I wanted my father to love me.


So I unconsciously begun to think the way my father did. 


This is the Belief.


Whether you father really said that 

or not becomes is irrelevant. 


The fact that your young self thought that is what is important.

Your young self believed it.


Memories can fade and be forgotten.

But the perception remains. =Belief


Be interested in your belief system.

Be interested in your beliefs.





How to fix your thinking habits and improve your mental health



思考のクセを直して、心を健康にする方法|キャリア|NIKKEI STYLEつらい気持ちや落ち込みなど、あなたを苦しめている原因は、実は自分自身の「思い込み」にあるのかもしれません。5つの質問を自分自身に問いかけ、普段、当たり前のように考えていることを改めて検証し、自分の「足かせ」になっていないかチェックしてみま…リンク


The cause of your distress, depression, etc., may actually be your own "beliefs." Ask yourself five questions to reexamine what you usually take for granted and check to see if they are "holding you back".


Question 1: "Are these thoughts based on facts?"

Question 2: "Do these thoughts help save lives and health?"

Question 3: "Does that thought help you achieve an important goal?"

Question 4: "Does that thought help you solve a problem or concern?"

Question 5: "Does the thought bring about a favorable mood?"

"If my friend had the same beliefs..."

You can be objective if you think about it.


Nobuko Kawabata.

An old friend〜〜〜

思考のクセを直して、心を健康にする方法|キャリア|NIKKEI STYLEつらい気持ちや落ち込みなど、あなたを苦しめている原因は、実は自分自身の「思い込み」にあるのかもしれません。5つの質問を自分自身に問いかけ、普段、当たり前のように考えていることを改めて検証し、自分の「足かせ」になっていないかチェックしてみま…[4ページ目]リンク



I want this〜〜〜








Shohei Ohtani tries a mysterious "magic ball"...

"It floats up a little bit and then sinks."

He grins and says he's not exactly sure....

大谷翔平、謎の「魔球」試す…『少し浮き上がって、そこから沈む』本人もよくわかっていないとニヤリ (中日スポーツ)◇21日 オープン戦 エンゼルス5-8ロイヤルズ(米アリゾナ州テンピ) 【テンピ(米アリゾナ州)阿部太郎】エンゼルスの大谷翔平選手(27)が21日(日本時間22日)、ロイヤルズとのリンク





Kohei's 3rd place〜〜〜〜〜〜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s