Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Everything's going well! Even tragedy, when given time, becomes comedy!

I had never heard of Keiko Ochi before.


Dr. Keiko Ochi, a unique psychiatrist whose treatment crosses the boundaries between medicine and spirituality.


Top│ KeikoMentalClinic精神科医・越智啓子先生のクリニックのホームページです。 沖縄 恩納村にあります。 診療は予約制です。クリスタルショップ. 色とりどりのクリスタルを取り扱ショップです。 他にも癒しのアイテムが数多く揃っています。リンクkeiko-mental-clinic.jp


Tentsukuman told me about her!!!


Keiko-san's words




Even tragedy, when given time, becomes comedy! (The secret of "laughter")



Many psychics believe that spirits are scary beings. However, "when we die, we all become spirits." Spirits do not scare or taunt. 

It's all an assumption based on fear. Some people even scare God by saying that he is scary. (How Life Works)



"Hug therapy" of love has the power to melt away even the deepest emotional wounds and traumas. By listening carefully to the patient's life story, you will feel compelled to hug the soul that has lived so patiently. I automatically feel like hugging them. (How Life Works)



When you can't make a decision, look up at the starry sky! 

 You may be thinking, "What?" but this is an important hint. 

 The phrase "wish upon a star" is often used. You place your wish on the star, but it's also good for making decisions. (Life's Choices)




So many wonderful words!



Take the plunge and do what you really want to do! Make the decision to start doing what you really want to do! Are there any dreams of yours that are lying dormant in your subconscious mind, but are very unlikely to come true? Remember them, pull them out, and try to put them on the path to reality. (Life's Choices)




When you do what makes your inner child happy, a yellow light will come out of your belly, and you will become a brighter, smiling, more wonderful person. (Healing the inner child)


Everything is going well! 

Even when we slip up, it's going well! 



If there is someone in your family, school or workplace who bullies you, it is the big bad star who has appeared to help you learn the love of forgiveness. Imagine that person's inner child and tell them, "Thank you for always playing the villain!" (Healing the Inner Child).


Wow, her words speak to me so 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜


I have a dream to do a collaboration lecture with her on April 1st〜〜〜


Was published here~!

Thank you very much!

It'll be on the Keio line from 2/16 to 3/15!!!

Send me a picture of you with it~♪


At Da Vinci News,

my book "Cute way of saying things" will be published as a trial series!!! 


It's a four-part series from February 24 (Thu) to 27 (Sun).

On weekdays at 6:30 a.m. and on weekends at 11:00 a.m.!



1 Million Views

Free seminar to commemorate!!!

@Sanctuary Publishing


⇒ https://ameblo.jp/takumi-yamazaki/entry-12727588124.html



Grateful to everyone in each region!

Thank you!

Thank you for the fun time!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

