I wrote this on Twitter too
but I'm a bit lost about
how I want my blog to be.
I've been told it's too much information at once.
But it's because I'm often asked
"Where do you get all your information?" ・・・
I write on this blog,
and keep it as a storehouse of my knowledge.
But for a blog,
it's too much information.
Perhaps I can open
Takumi Yamazaki's Information Warehouse
as paid content
I received advice that I should only write on my blog
about "What I'm thinking"
I wonder what I should do〜
Probably it's better if it's short,
easy to understand, and has a little bit of useful information in it〜
Yesterday I went to "Atsuta Shrine"・・・
At shrines, you shouldn't make "requests" to the gods.
So what do you do?
If you change your "requests" to a "vow"
your behavior will completely change
Yesterday, I visited Atsuta Shrine.
The Atsuta Shrine is the place where Nobunaga prayed
for victory before the "Battle of Okehazama".
He didn't ask for a victory.
He made a vow,
"I will definitely win and force the Imagawa army to retreat!"
Make a vow, "I will do such and such before I come here again.
The results you seek are the same for both "requests" and "vows," but
However, by changing "requests" to "vows,"
the person's behavior will immediately change.
A "request" is a plea for help.
A "vow" says.
"I will do my best on my own."
"I will work as hard as I can to achieve my goals."
It's based on the premise of a sincere "promise."
The habits of people with 100 million yen in annual income, that anyone can do, but no one is doing.
・Six great reasons why getting up early can increase your income.
・How to be liked by money by simply tapping a calculator.
・3 minutes-the maximum time you allow yourself to be down.
・The 1 degree difference between "99 degrees" and "100 degrees" will make the difference in your life.
・Don't ride in the green car or first class.
・ When someone two ranks above you asks you out, the only thing to say is, "Of course, I'll go"
Last night was fun!!!
reborn has been postponed to May〜
Anyone interested please check out the details.
Natural Yeast, Bread Salon Lisa
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10 seconds walk from Yaguchiwatari Station on the Tokyu Tamagawa Line.
Open hours🥖Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays 10am-5pm (until sold out) bslbsl.buyshop.jp
Shop instagram・・
More people should know about this!!!
Was that too much information?!(lol)
Today I'm going to film for Tsutaya Business College!
Please enjoy〜〜〜
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s