Sunday, November 28, 2021

A leader is the person who enjoys the work the most, who is immersed in it, who enjoys it, who saves people who are in pain.

Learnings about Leadership!



Become the king of gold.

= A person who is asked by others to be the leader


Conversely, there are some leaders who control by persuasion, by force, and fear


Leader = a person who leads to a good place

1) Knows where the good is

(2) Has the power to lead and invite others

3) Is motivated


There are surface causes and deep causes.

The deep cause is the "law of the seed" = 4 steps (→ Explanation by Tori Tori) 




Correlation of Authority

Dragon Tree Bodhisattva conveyed this



A leader is

Someone who enjoys the work the most

Someone who is immersed in it and enjoys it.


If you don't enjoy it, do something else.

Until then, do the four steps.

The enemies to having fun are

1) Laziness

2) Doing things that are a lower priority

  People who do fun things first

  Know that there's nothing more interesting than changing the world!

3) "I can't do it" This is a manifestation of laziness

  Factorize your work and you'll find that every decision "you can do it!" 


Implement the 4 steps to become an automatic leader (people ask you to be a leader = king of gold)



Problems that never really happened 


The 4 Steps and

4 power as the two wheels of thought


Eliminate the bad seeds

Sow good seeds


Make things happen that you want to happen

Don't make things happen that you don't want to happen.


Patriot missiles




Karma Intelligence=KI




The truth of the world is Karma Intelligence

How is this world created?

It all comes from seeds.

Just how much do you understand this?! 


This world is a white screen 

What kind of seeds do we sow?!


IQ -> Intelligence also comes from seeds


 Emptiness and Karma 

You create the seeds that's why they sprout 




The 3 choices 

A or B?!

Then don't choose either 

Choose the other option, C!!!


Creating the perfect seed! 



People don't listen to me 

That's because 


Always make meaningful statements.

Never talk about anything meaningless


Different leadership at different times


King → Do it, let it happen, praise and nurture

Boatman→ Rides along with the ship, takes in everyone's opinions

Shepherd → Gather experts.  Lets people do things freely. Follow-up from behind


How to become a king

Sow the seeds to become a king


Did you make a good contribution under the King?


If you found a mentor

1) Survey

2) Observe

3) Follow them




The Karma of Fear


Public speaking 

Speaking in front of everyone 


1) Is it convincing from the listener's experience?

2) Can it be proven by the listener's logic?

3) Does it come from a source that the listener trusts?


How do I not get nervous?


1) The speech is not about you.

It's to make the listener's life better.

2) Don't judge your audience by their appearance

3) I want to ease the pain of people around the world.

  Save and hope for the best for people who are feeling more pain than your nervousness.





4 Magnets


To be a leader, you must


1) Be sensible 

2) Give praise

3) Let people practice (give them successful experiences)

4) Be consistent in words and actions


No one knows what's going on in a person's life.


So don't judge


If you're going to imagine something, 

make it a good story! 


Someone is asleep in class.

Maybe he's saving the world at night, Spider-Man style!?



The 4 Mod

1) Mode of Peace

  Harmony Friendly style

  Doing nothing is also a leader's job


2) Mode of Encouragement mode Give generous gifts

  Celebration  Congratulate!!!


3) Powerful mode

  This is the way! Recommend 〜〜〜〜


4) Mode of Fear

  Pretend to be angry

  Have great love

  Don't be consumed by your emotions.



3〜4 are not necessary if you are the king of gold. 

4 Steps are continually necessary and important. 




Unexpected measures 


In an organization,

two important people clash


Make them work together (same goal)

They clash in the middle.

Heat up!

Communicate the 4 steps.

The one who notices chooses to be the karmic partner.




Equal Rights

Everyone has the same right to be happy and successful.

We all have the same rights.


Every team member should

feel personal and important.


To what extent is it me?! 


Parts of a car, lots of parts

At what point does it become a car? !


The final picture determines that.

The 4 steps for that too! 


Your family

This region

This country

This planet.

How far?!


Consciously expand your boundaries.


Is each and every person in the organization

enjoying their work?

Have a look at that! 




Exchanging places 


Get inside the other person

Seeing yourself from there 


Equal position

I am in a superior position

I am in a lower position




The value of following a Leader's Vision 


Are you a leader worth following?

Are you making people's lives better?

Are you making a difference in people's lives?


When you're gone...

Will they be able to carry on your spirit?

A hundred years from now!?




The basics of today ・・・


4power etc, 

please learn about it here 

↓↓↓It's extremely important! 



Tori Tori's explanation is very easy to understand



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s