Today after the seminar, I also did another seminar in Hamamatsu! (lol)
Other seminar teachers were, you can still do more?!
To get results
if you do
〇〇 you'll get these results.
I said, let's try doing 〇〇〜!
↓↓↓then I found this article・・・↓↓↓
A mediocre person
They never act on the advice they get from
successful people!!!
They go to ask for advice but
don't put it into action!!!
Can you become someone who asks steady questions
and take steady action?!
In the case of Mr. Children・・・
There was no work of creating theme songs of dramas.
So what did he do?
What's important is
"the intelligence to obediently put into action"
and "the intuition to act as if what you want has already happened."
Tesla announces development of Humanoid Robot
"Tesla Bot"
Prototype should be available by 2022
Prototype in 2022
The era of robots is coming ・・・
2022 is next year!!!
Faint not at waiting, for in patience ye become aware of thy soul.
NPO Japan Edgar Cayce Center
There has been set before you, this day, good and evil. Choose that which will bring the better development in self.
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s