Saturday, June 26, 2021

Even if you save 1 million yen, it'll only increase by 20 yen annually. Invest in yourself! It will give you the largest returns

Even if you save 1 million yen 

it'll only become 20 yen more annually!!!


Invest in yoruself! 

That has the biggest returns! 




I got this from meg〜




Distraction is any action that moves you away from what you really want. 


Traction  is any action that moves you towards what you really want. 


⭐️ Planning is the only way to know the difference between traction and distraction. 


⭐️Decide what you want to do with your time, and align it with your values. 


⭐️Plan your time by dividing your life into 3 domains 






⚫️DO IT ⚫️

Craft your ideal day 

What does it look like? 


How are you spending your time? 

Who are you spending it with? 

Does it live up to your values? 


Compare your ideal day to your current daily schedule. 

What could be improved? 

What are you not making enough time for? 


 Day 10 Time boxing

    1. Time Boxing:
      • Decide what you are going to do and when you will do it.
      • Eliminate all the white space in your calendar.
      • Measure success by whether you did what you planned to do.
      • Decide how much time you want to spend in each of your life domains(You, relationships/work) 
    1. Create a weekly calendar template.
    2. Book 15 min weekly to reflect and refine your calendar.
    3. Steps to Reflect and Refine:
      • Reflect: When did I do what I said I would do? When did I get distracted?
      • Refine: What changes can I make to get the time I need to fulfill my values?


Lesson 11  Life Arena

The 2 Life domains where you spend most of your time: 

    * You

    * Relationships

    * Work 


Prioritize and time box "you" time

You are the most important person in creating your ideal life 


The you domain is the central domain that affect all the other areas of your life. 

This includes investment in yourself--exercise, sleep, meditation, creative hobbies, mental health, time for learning/reading etc. 



Benefits of time boxing!!

ーVisual representation of the qualities of the person you want to be. 

ーYOu're much more likely to do what you promised yourself you'd do. 




Don't be focused on the results. 

Focus more on the inputs (spending the time, creating the environment) 

rather than the outputs (results). 



Deciding on when you will get in bed and creating the right atmosphere is within your control

Whether you can sleep or not is not always in your control. 

Creating time to write your book is within your control. 

Whether you will get an inspired idea or not is not. 




Control what is within your control. 

Results come in combination with what is beyond your realm of control, 

so don't get stuck on only the results. 


There are time when you can't control the results, but you can always control your response. 



⚫️DO IT⚫️

List 3-4 activities you want to do for yourself this week and add them to your schedule.




Lesson 12  Relationships


Your family and loved ones do not deserve only your leftover time and energy. 


Create time intentionally just like you would schedule necessary work meetings. 

(example) Teacher spends time weekly with his daughters and picks out activities from a fun jar they created together. 

Twice a month he and his wife have a date day. 

(example of living values of equality) in house work etc. 


Timeboxing will help you to live in a way that is congruent to your values. 


People who have good relationships also live happier and healthier, and longer lives.




Qualities necessary for satisfying relationships 

*Someone you can talk to 

*Someone you can depend on 

*Someone you enjoy being with 


Invest time into your friendships 

Kibbutz (gathering) →Originates from gatherings in Israelキブツ-51488

4 couples meet twice a month and discuss a certain topic. 

(Similar to a mastermind in business) 



⚫️DO IT⚫️

1. Schedule time for your loved ones. 

2.Focus on the quality of your relationships, rather than the quantity of time spent together. 

3. List the activities you want to do with or for the important people in your life every week. 

4. Note how much time you'd like to allocate for each activity in a typical week. 

5. Review your list and make sure to include domestic responsibilities as a part of your commitment to your significant other. 



Lesson 13 WORK


*Make sure your values align with your work. 


*Having clarity in how you spend your time helps to build trust. 


*Working long hours causes efficiency to drop and employees will start doing work that is 'busy work' but is lower on the list of priorities. 

How to not get distracted in the work domain:

1. Use a detailed and clear time box schedule. 

2. Review it regularly and decide on the time allotment 

3. If necessary, reallocate time to things that are higher in priority. 


⚫️DO IT ⚫️

1. Write out 2-3 activities you want to do in your work domain 

2. Schedule those activities in your calendar. 




Timeboxing (scheduling) helps you to live your life in alignment with your values. 



Today's lunch was unagi (eel)! 

Thank you for this morning

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s