Monday, May 17, 2021

When multiple humans gather, they cut corners! "Nobody can take my place" =Needs "roles" and "validation"


When individuals gather in teams of 

6, they tend to cut corners 【64%】more than when alone! 

What are the 2 secrets on how to prevent the Ringelmann effect? 

The Ringelmann effect is the tendency for individual members of a group to become increasingly less productive as the size of their group increases.



"All for one and 

One for All" 


when teams get larger 

people tend to cut corners




Two secrets to bring out the best of your members

Providing a "role" and "validation" 

People want to avoid what is "not worth it" 

"Nobody can take my place" 
"There is a greater meaning to my existence" 
"My abilities are being useful to someone" 

Distributing the roles so that people can feel this way 
and having the validation of other members 

becomes the "reward" 

and giving their all to that 
becomes "something that it worth it". 


It's going be sent out〜♪



2 things that 

long lasting couples do ・・・

They sympathize with each other !!!

during both the good AND the bad times!!!



Thank you! 

I'll leave the speech on the Island〜

May, June, July, August ・・・

The year starts from September ☆゜:*:・゜

4 steps. 

Thank you so much

I gotta do my coffee mediation ☆゜:*:・゜

It was a very rich time☆゜:*:・゜

Kaze no Gakko・・・


The business system 

Everyone is also evolving using Instagram and Canva☆゜:*:・゜




Mr. Mochizuki




90% of the effort of dream realization was persuading your own brain! 

A scientific method to use "Mission-Passion-Vision" to make you unstoppable until you get the future you want.


"What is it you want to do?" 

"Why would you do something so dangerous?" 

"And what do  you plan to do specifically?" 

"The matter what future it is.....

simply came from your heart

one step at a time" 

Your "hippocampus" 

controls your "memory" 


 It collects all the pieces of information 

organizes and saves them =in the storage 

It's also a skilled image creator 

and re-edits the organized pieces of information as needed, 

and creates a meaningful story out of it to play for you. 

This is what the action of "remembering (recall)" is. 

In other words, remembering something is 

not a complete reproduction of past records, 

it's actually a new video that was reconstructed at the point 

you remembered it. 

It also has the role of simulating the future. 





How to answer "Why would you do something so dangerous?" 




The amygdala is not ill intentioned. 

It's all for the purpose of protecting your life. 


That's all the more reason why if you are serious about your dreams 

and want to head in that direction 

then you need to clarify your dream, increase its level of importance, 

and narrow it down. 


Then the amygdala will feel that you gave it "proper consideration" 

and feel secure and will give permission to the realization of your imagined future. 


This process is the pursuit of "PASSION" 



 How to answer "And what do  you plan to do specifically?"  


"Prefrontal cortex" ="Human brain" 

The prefrontal cortex is the command tower in your brain 

that also creates your personality and does the PDCA (Planning, Doing, Checking and Adjusting) of your goal achievement. 


Re-illuminate the meaning of your past 

"Dig up your mission" 

Narrow down the dreams you truly desire 

"Pursue passion" 

and your declaration of growth and contribution 

"Decide on your vision"



From a friend




I will host a tour to Chiran next month 

on June 18th and 19th. ✨

During the last tour, the core of what is truly important to me changed. 

I'd like to share this experience with those around me too. ✨

If anyone is interested please check here. 





Have you ever gone to?!


Where the special Japanese forces from WWII took off ・・・


When you go, there is something that rises up from inside of you 〜


I'm going to do my best with the ukulele〜〜〜

The story of a singer 〜♪

Two good looking guys〜〜〜

It's Maru mari〜〜〜

Inseparable relationship paradise〜

Basketball girls☆゜:*:・゜

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s