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Super time management skills
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You can buy time!
Mr. Mochizuki's blog is awesome〜
Your brain is only interested in your "future"!
”The farther backward you can look,
the farther forward you are likely to see.”
In fact, it was discovered that the human brain
when thinking about the past
and imagining future events
the human brain uses
the same cognitive and neural system.
↓↓↓The factory of the past and the future in the same?!↓↓↓
Fragments of sensory information captured from the past
has been reconfigured to seem consistent
seen from your current situation.
(in other words, each person is living in a different world of "reality")
↓↓↓Is this hard to understand?↓↓↓
The purpose of "memories" is "material to design the future"
Your brain is a memory of the past
and collects a collage of detailed information
and is creating an image of your future that is close to your intention.
↓↓↓This is why!!!↓↓↓
"Fortune comes to a bright smile"
"Those who give love are blessed with abundance"
"If you are exited about your present, a great future will come to you"
Start right here, right now
to become open to loving yourself and loving others.
That's what will cause your past to shine,
and be the driving force for creating a better future.
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s