Thursday, April 22, 2021

The commonality in laws of success is DO! Only DOING can change people's lives


Today I listened to Mr. Fujimoto's seminar. 


What does that person want?!

Find that out and show interest in that!!!


What are they interested in

what do they like 

what do they dislike 

and what words mean something to them?! (=that person's values) 

I continued the relationship believing that if "I did what I should, 

that one day the opportunity would come" 

Having one clear focal point. 

Don't think of anything else, except what you can give! 

If you give, you will be given unto. 


You gave Calpis water to everyone around you. 

If you keep on doing that, eventually you will dry out. 

In the end, you'll want that Calpis water yourself. 

If you aren't filled up yourself, you can't give to others. 

You'll want others to give something back to you (=human weakness) 

These types of relationships won't last long. 

You must always be full or know how to keep yourself full. 

How to do that=Enjoy yourself 

How much are you yourself enjoying your dreams, your ambitions for society, 

the possibilities in your work, and the possibilities of your work mates etc?! 

How to increase your member's motivation?!


As a rule, you cannot increase your member's motivation! 

It's not possible! 


It's when they see you, with high levels of energy, 

that they will begin to change. 

So the core and most important thing is, 

are you enjoying this work?! 


The members in your group 

as well as your customers are 

a reflection of you. 

That person, 

who you hope will become your customer one day, 

you must learn to like them more than anyone else! 

Can you love that person?! 

=That's within the realm you can control. 

Will that person love you back?! 

=That is outside your realm of control. 


I didn't seek for a return, 

but I continued to interact with expectancy. 

Past →Present     problems=Counseling 

Present→Future       problems=Coaching 

In front of you now   problems= Consulting 

There are 3 areas 

Those who aren't getting results "desire results". 

Provide the other person's issue (Problem) and a "solution" to that issue (problem) 

Past →Present    There are still issues that are unresolved 

ie) Can't accept myself (self-acceptance) 


Can't love others deeply 

Can't trust others 

They need to accept their past selves

and be able to feel and accept their own value. 

They need to accept "I have value" 

regardless of whether things go well or not 

Are you able to ask  "what pisses you off?"  "What is really tough for you?" 

Are you able to ask those questions?! 


Accept people's imperfections. 

"Understanding the heart is important" 

When do you get down?! 

Why do you feel that way?! 

Difference are mere differences 

It doesn't mean anyone is wrong. 


What's important is that you understand the other person. 

Facts and perception (Perception is an illusion) 

Through your perception or through our interpretations 

we "take action" 

and that is what "creates our world". 


Interpretations can be either + or -. 



Who are you approaching? 

Depending on that →The results will change

What is more important than "nurturing" is "recruiting" 

*Mistakes in recruiting cannot be fixed through education 

It's not about how to educate those who join you. 

It's about who you choose to sponsor! 

Who do you want to team up with? 

Clarify your ideal partner 

Make it specific 

=Set your persona (Those attending buzz labs will know all about this) 

Those who "accumulate virtue" are "those who give" 

By enjoying yourself, you can accumulate even more virtue! 

God gives wisdom to the person who is enjoying life most!!!! 

Being in a good mood =This is extremely important 

God gives wisdom to those who are moved and those who are grateful 

Anger, jealousy etc. are the least productive. 

If you enjoy your life each day, 

all the information you need will come to you!!!! 

Teach the "how" 


Communicate the "steps" (sales file) 


Prepare a Manual, a blueprint 〜


In small organizations that work with tacit knowledge 

there are many cases where the top understands things, but it isn't reaching the bottom levels. 

Understand the "business structure" of people who are successful and 

copy them 〜

Become that person and give output! 

Have a mindset revolution 

Change your brain to a successful brain. 

Your words, your gestures, the places you go  ・・・

If you do it  concretely, you'll get results faster!!!


〜〜〜  〜〜〜  〜〜〜


It was truly a wonderful seminar〜〜〜

How is your trust balance? 



Make a call or 10 minutes instead of chatting 

Research results show that "human voice" reduces loneliness

 チャットの代わりに、10分の電話を。「人の声」が孤独感を低減するという研究結果 | 世界のソーシャルグッドなアイデアマガジン | IDEAS FOR GOOD

精神医学やメンタルヘルスといった分野の査読付き論文を掲載するサイト「JAMA Psychiatry 」で公開された「Effect of Layperson-Delivered, Empathy-Focused Program of Telephone Calls on Loneliness, Depression, and Anxiety Among Adu…リンク



Just how much of this world is a miracle?!

Those who realize this, 

can believe in the miracle of themselves 〜


It's a game of just how moved you can be!!!




Those are the people who are able to receive miracles one after the other! 

The commonality in laws of success 

It was about DOING!!!! 

Only DOING can change people's lives! 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s