【The era of the Wind】Entering a new era
The "era of the earth" that has continued for over 200 years
has come to an end, and will change to "the era of the Wind"
"Connection with people and with the heart" is core in this new "Era of the Wind"
The era of Earth(The age of power)
Material things, money, economy, possessions,
stability, organization, seniority
The era of the Wind(The age of the individual)
Communication, information, knowledge, networks,
harmony, freedom, individuality, equality
In the "era of the earth" the standard of value was money and things.
It placed value on material things that can be seen. Materialism.
It placed importance on tradition, power, and relationships of seniority.
It was a very cramped world with many restrictions.
Having a dependent stance in trying to benefit from
being connected to positions of power,
relying on what can be seen, and surface branding
is outdated,
and in the new "era of the wind"
they will likely struggle.
On the otherhnd, "the era of the wind" brings information and networks,
knowledge and communication,
and places importance on spiritual tings that cannot be seen with the eye,
with equal and well ventilated relationships,
where each person's independence is valued.
Relationships of dependence of co-dependency,
controlling businesses and styles of working,
will not go with the coming flow of society.
There will be new environments created to practice your independence,
and many opportunities will come to you.
In "the era of the Wind"
who you are connected to
and the quality of your connections
will hold increased importance.
This is extremely interesting!
It's likely that more and more such new services will continued to be birthed!
A new style that will create fans of their service and sell to them.
I think"by chance" it will be one of the themes of 2021.
🌐Future information🌐
Getting back "by chance"
An online bookshop that is designed to create
"by chance" meetings where people reach for the same book at the same time.