Sunday, December 13, 2020

Put your excitement into action. Taking action is a "sign that you received" the excitement.



I replied, "You copied us!" ・・・

and they said, "It's a parody!" 


It's our own choice/freedom 

as to what meaning we give to what happens! 

But if you give it a negative meaning, 

your freedom is taken away. 

It's better to think of it as an opportunity. 

Which reality will you choose?! 

That's what gives birth to synchronism

Following your synchronicity 



What is dementia?! 

A separate reality 

Being on another time axis 

A state of being between 

 the material world 

and another world

Many children with developmental disabilities?! 

They are telling us that there are other dimensions!!! 

Try seeing things from the eyes of the children. 

What can you see and learn there?! 

Every moment, every moment, 

we can choose a parallel reality! 


If you become cynical 

or distrustful

you cannot be a being of light!!! 

Live with passion and excitement! 

We are one with, and a part of everything! 

If you feel that it will increase your energy! 


Reality will become what matches your frequency. 

Time is a side effect of your consciousness. 


The egg is activated. 

Children are born without sex! 

Hybrids with aliens 

is also evolving. 


The age of the Wind 

Corona is also a choice of humanity 

Will we let go of what we no longer need 

and take responsibility

for the world we want to live in? 

What will we choose? 

To the question of not being good at raising children.....

Stop thinking that you're not good at it 


Use your imagination and creativity and think

I'm enjoying it! 

Stop thinking of it as something separate  

How fun and creative can you make it?! 


Securing safety 

Creating a safe environment 

Give the children opportunity to "choose" 

Danger teaches us something (allow them to learn excitement) 

Communicate that "you have power" 

Without hurting others 

Follow the formula 

Follow your highest excitement 

Follow your passion 

You can have multiple excitements 

Even small excitements are fine too 

Always, in every moment, choose your excitement now 


Some excitements might seem separate or unrelated, 

but they are all connected! 

Excitement =Communication with your higher mind 

Put your excitement into action! (this comes as a set) 

Taking action is "a sig that you received" the excitement 

=If you don't take action, then that type of excitement will stop coming 

ie) taking a walk, eating, meditation, reading, sleeping ......・・・The more you do it, the more it comes to you 

Put your excitement into action as much as you possibly can 


Stay positive at all times!!! 

Even if the results aren't what you wished for, 

know that it is carrying you into a direction you want. 


The formula isn't psychology

It is a system of reality! 

Follow it like a machine! 

If you don't follow it, 

you reality won't work properly! 

Follow your excitement and live with excitement every day! 


Synchronicities happen 


You are led on the path of less effort 

Into a world where there is not a single lack 


Even when I'm doing・・・

I'm able to realize my "negative ideas" and "Beliefs" 


Let go of it! 


That's what excitement is 

What you "want" and what you "need" is sometimes different. 

Do it for the sake of doing it! 

Don't get stuck on the results. 

Sing for the sake of singing! 

 Don't get stuck on whether you'll sell or not. 

If it's "not good" then "that's fine too" 

You don't know it now. 

But your higher self has something bigger prepared. 

Attachment narrows your own possibilities. 

You can always "re-choose" at any time! 

 example) You put on a shirt in the dark. 

When you turn on the light, you realize it was a "blue shirt" 

If you want to wear a "red shirt" all you need to do is change. 

Everything is neutral. 

All you need to do is choose. 

It's all a frequency! 

"You" will not "change the world" 

It's simply that "when you change" you "go to a different world" 





No need to know anyone (don't ned to think about the cause and effect) 

This is normal at Essasani! 

Time and space is also an illusion. 

It will be as you choose. 

It will change automatically. 

 Does our intestinal environment have a effect on us psychologically?! 

Yes that's true, but our beliefs create everything. 

So take a good look at that. 

Something never becomes something else. 

Your focus simply changes. 

The world is a powerful school 

It's a place for growth. 

Connecting with the universe 

Connecting with higher frequencies 




Conversations with Bashar, It was so fun〜〜〜

Yesterday was so fun too〜〜〜

Zoom seminars are like a 

harmony with another dimension! 

Thank you, Kenko!

It was a fun time!

Looking forward to the BIGO live! 


This will be on the 15th from 6 pm〜〜〜

Thank you to everyone in each region!

Will send you your bags〜〜




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s