Sunday, November 1, 2020

All we need to do is a create a future where we will think "I'm so glad I did that then"


The "Air Era" 

is an era that will place more value on information and human connections, rather than things and money 

Until now, in the "Earth Era" 

 money and things were the standard of wealth, 

but now in the "Air Era" 

the quality of the information you have, 

the good human connections and relationships you have will be the new standard 

and the vibrations you surround your daily life with becomes important. 


Aside from that 

  • Thinking about positive things 
  • Not using negative words, but words of love and gratitude 
Placing importance on feelings 
Not only your vibration that goes without saying but your ability to communicate, your knowledge and experience 
All of these are valuable 

"The Air Era=The Era of Vibrations" 

So it's important to raise your vibrations above all. 

Discipline yourself, and use your five senses to live gracefully 

Value your intuition and your gut feelings 

Hang out with people with good vibrations 

"the Air Era" means creating an "unwavering self" 




What is the Age of Aquarius?



A world where each and every person's individuality and abilities,  each person's humans rights are respected. A world where people reach out beyond borders, nationality, age and gender to understand we are all once race and the same human being. 

Human rights will be more protected and work will likely become more flexible. Probably more people will get side gigs 







What to do specifically?


1.Increase your economic and earning power 

2.Know that each citizen has the power to change the world 

3.Consider a side business 

4.When you do so, enhance online business and services 

5.Think from owning to sharing 

6.Develop information literacy abilities 

7.Eliminate discrimination 

8.Strengthen security 

What is the Age of Aquarius?

DJ AOI ↓↓↓

There is no good or bad about quitting your work

All you need to do is create a future where you will think "I'm so glad I did that then 
When you quit, there is no right or wrong 
All you need to do is dedicate effort to making that decision a right one

The important point is that you have the "belief that you can create your own future" 
If you have no core beliefs and you leave the destiny of your life in the hands of others, 
you won't have much of life. 

The decision to "quit" 
The decision to "continue" 
Both are going on the downward escalator 
Unless you have the will to run up a descending escalator, 
either one you decide on will only bring you unhappiness 

Don't fool yourself into thinking that just by getting it it will suddenly change into an ascending escalator to happiness. 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s