Tuesday, September 8, 2020

When people get tired of being a victim of life, they say, "I've had enough!"


This morning I was contacted by a "goddess" ・・・


Have you watched the movie "Finding Joe" 〜〜〜




People don't think to find "the meaning of living" 

People are looking for the "experience of living" 

Everyone was a golden Buddha. 

But we have forgotten as we've gotten on with life 

And someone happens that reminds us. 

The hero journey =pattern 

Separation (separate from every day habits) 

Passage ritual (Initiation) Facing yourself, getting back your power

Coming back 



Mystical stories 

 are the universal secrets of life 

Stories are better than explanation 

Synchronicities will bring them to you 


The tiger that lives among a herd of sheep....

are you living life in state of hypnosis?! 


You should do this 

"The religion of must" 

Being addicted to the expectations of those around you. 

Whose axis are you living on. 

What is your own axis? 

Is the phone ringing? 

The phone that keeps on ringing ・・・

≒ Comes as despair →  And we go on our journey!!!



When people get tired of being a victim of life, 

they say, "I've had enough!" 


Hero→ Taking responsibility for your own path 

The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die (Nietzsche) 

We should let go of life going as planned. 

Then we can find our true life. 

Facing the past "moments" in your life 

Because that is "a part of you" ・・・


The truth is not "what happens"

 but how you "deal with it" 

There should be something that stirs within you! 

And from the "entrance" that you never saw 

you enter the "story" 


"The entrance you've seen before" =another entrance point 

Find your bliss!!!

Your true bliss?!


↓↓↓To do that↓↓↓


・Have courage. The courage to look inside of yourself. 

・What are you here to do? 

・What do you feel the most passion for? 

・What is your greatest ability?

・How will you use that to benefit the world? 






Ananda= Bliss/Joy ≠Pleasure

If you follow your deep impulses, you can "chase" it! 

What makes you come most alive?! 

Realization →  "Excitement=Aliveness!"   

The difference between pleasure =Don't chase someone else's bliss 

BLISS= In the most quiet state of satisfaction 

"I will accept the potential of this moment" 


I will chase my bliss 

Becoming rich 

Becoming famous


Anything besides that→ "Do "the things you love to do!" 



What do you feel passion for? 

What do you love doing? 

When do you forget about time? 

Find what you love and do more of that! 

When you were a child, 

what made you different from other children?  




It could be the door to your bliss! 


Money or time is irrelevant 

What will be  "expressing yourself" 

and what will "benefit the ecosystem?!" 

Do you have experiences that you become one with the whole?! 


List it up 


Diary =Conversations with yourself 

It's an opportunity to learn alot about yourself 

"Don't do what your dad said" 

"Your dad" =will not talk about anything besides your safety 

If you let go of your life for safety, 

you will not find your BLISS. 

Just search for your BLISS 

(not money or fame) 

Those who have searched for that are successful! 

Search for your own "personal success!!" 


What is most important to you?! 

What is something that "you are interested in but aren't doing?"

A wall suddenly opens up. 

Through the power of the universe! 

A unseen force guides you ・・・


What comes in the way is "fear" →Ignore it! 

You decide everything yourself. 

I want to sing "like a bird" 

Not worrying about "who will hear it?" ・・・


Red road=Dangerous path 

Black road=Wide path 

↓↓↓What you choose↓↓↓

Is up to you 

"We learn" in our deepest suffering! 

The reason why we can't reach the top is because we can't release our "genius" =

The true charter of that is "fear" 

Our perceptions are poisoned. 


Courage is not a state without fear 

It's facing that fear. 

Courage =Knowing what to do and doing it" 

No courage= "Not knowing what to do" 

If you trip and fall, try again! 

Go to the courage gym! 

Work out!


If you see the shadows you get scared. 

That's always the case. 

Get closer to it. 

Don't run away. 

Then courage will come. 

It's okay to be scared! 

=Become strong while being weak. 


The real enemy to defeat =Projection 

What is outside of you is also inside of you. 


Fighting with the darkness=Getting in touch with yourself. 

Loving yourself 

The evil is giving to you. 

Overcoming and gaining power !!!

It comes after the struggle! 

Will you make yourself the hero or not? 

If you add to the「ー」 that is happening now adding 「|」(a new perspective) 

it will become a「+」!


Love yourself as you are!

 (Quit the internal war with yourself) →Gaining power 


The treasures from your journey "memories =stories" (immaterial things) 

The essence of the journey 

If you ask yourself, the answer will come 

Your story will change another person's life 

Life is short 

How much courage did you have to express yourself?! 

On your deathbed, life's greatest regret is "the risk of not taking the risk to do what you wanted" 

What you must do is go on to the "next step" 

The option of not giving up! 

The story that you tell yourself 

Allow yourself to feel that anything is possible.

We have everything we need within us! 




【No Cut talk 】

What is "believing" by Mana Ashida?

Movie "Star Child"  Completion report event  


 Ashida said that through this movie she thought deeply about "believing" and "believing in the other person". "Not believing in that person, but expecting in your own ideals. When something happens different from what we think we feel betrayed, but it's not that that person betrayed you, but something came up that you couldn't see. I felt like accepting that is important." 



14 minutes 10 seconds 






"A totally different Ayame Goriki"  

3 short movies 





Supporting her activities 〜〜〜〜



Thank you for yesterday

And their buddies!!!



Notes for sale! We are now taking advance reservations! 




Takumi Yamazaki AW news→ http://aw-taku.jugem.jp



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

