Monday, August 24, 2020

Those who grow= Those who are receptive

I thought I wanted to live in a room like this. 

I have a feeling that my ideal room will show up soon. 

I'm running every day now. 

Yesterday I ran 3 km. 

Even though I was eating good food・・・

My body fat is now at 15% level. 




Those who grow=Those who are honest and sincere 




"The world's best coach

 only provided coaching support to those who are coachable" 


For those whose hearts are weak "coaching" and "guidance" doesn't work 

That's why there's no need to worry about "those who aren't receptive". 





Mr. Noda Mail magazine





"Knowing shame  is close to courage" 

Those who are able to admit their mistakes are those who have courage. 

Being able to admit your mistakes 

  (by the Doctrine of the Mean)



Basic Income in Germany experiments has begun for 3 years providing 150,000 yen monthly. Discussions have begun in England too.



In the age of after Corona, the definite difference between 

"stores that become extinct vs. stores whose sales grow"





from 1:02:03  ~


Thank you for bringing up my name!!!



From 5:25 seconds ・・・





60,000 people・・・

New world view "Live music video" 

Sakanaction is reclaiming a new genre of music 



【viewer warning】

Closer to the largest taboo in the US!?

Astonishing documentary 

Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich 【Netflix】




What's happening with the hordes of locusts now? 

The fight with the 500 billion and problems with the latest research in "Nature" on gene manipulation



Ootani who struggled for a long time・・・What a pleasant sound!!!




4 games in a row loss "Really can't any more" to "I'm getting my power back" …Chunichi ・The buddies who "reignited" Yu Ono 



Recently the Dragons are getting stronger. Happy about that!



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s