Tuesday, August 25, 2020

"Be conscientious about the information you send to your subconscious" "40% of your thoughts are unconscious" "What you can control"


I learned alot yesterday too! Thank you so much Mr. Fujimoto

Yesterday's Takuya Fujimoto's seminar was powerful 〜〜〜

I'll summarize it〜〜〜

It was amazing!

Mr. Fujimoto


Those with ties are those who grasp success and happiness  


Education is 

・Supporting       complete of character !!!

・Being healthy in both body and mind 

Success is 

achieving this well and gaining societal status and fame 

Happiness is 

having good luck. In a state that that person desires with no complaints. 

There are people who are successful, but who are unhappy!  

Both physically and mentally!


Steps needed 

1)Clarify your desires →Continually repeat questions to yourself 

Your desires → Come in direct proportion to the questions you ask yourself 

2)Set goals 

  What by when 

3)Map out a plan 

  In what way 

     Using whose help 

     Using what, by when ・・・

4)Implement it 

5)Reflect on it 


There are the walls of the mind (limiting beliefs=mental blocks) that exist! 


"This might not be possible?" "The other person might dislike me"  etc. 

Clarify your desires!!!

People, things, situations, ideals, values etc. 

They are all a world within your memory. 

Desires have a great affect on the development of your character 

40% of your thoughts are unconscious  


Be conscientious about the information you send to your subconscious 

We make 30,000 decisions every day 

Our subconscious is founded on our desires! 

I want to be like this for my wife 

・Can't win 

・Can't win 

・Don't think about winning 

Want to be this for my daughter. 

Someone who always helps her. 

Many people are trying to change things that they have no control over, such as the other person. 

I want to be such 

That you have control over.

How I do want to be? 

What do I want? 

You can find the answer as you continue asking yourself questions! 

Coaching →Just listening to the other person. 

A time to allow their desires to expand 

In the USA, each executive has a coach. 

In Japan, let's learn self-coaching! 

Desires (dream) big 5 



・Human relationships 

・Your ideal 

・Hobbies and things you enjoy 

・Ideal in finances and time 

The law of the heart 


Affirmation with your emotions  !!!


Before you sleep is good 

It sends it into your subconscious 

How to use it 

Go to sleep in a happy state 

Heighten your self-perception 

Feelings of respect for yourself! 

Words to yourself 

Heightening your way of thinking on the overall! 

Until now was psychology 

From now on in skill 




What are goals? 

What are plans? 


write on  paper 

Every morning, say it outloud! 


Can you borrow the help of others? 

Stand on the shoulders of giants!!!




What top salesmen have in common are, 

the amount of times they were turned down! 

Turned down 9 times for one yes! 

I started thinking, 

"Was turned down 9 times, 

for this one yes. "

I asked those who aren't successful, 

please teach me why things didn't go well?




The answer was, 

they weren't able to create a bond of trust! (rapport) 

How did you succeed 

I did interviews with successful people about their thoughts and habits. 

I then summarized what I learned and sent it as a report the next day. 

Then, next time they were also willing to meet me=that created a bond of trust 

Someone suggested to me, how about you do not only interviews, but also bring some proposals?! 


Do you trust me? 

If so, there's someone that I'm betting my life on, 

would you be willing to hear me out? 

If you are interested, I'd appreciate if you give me some time! 

How is it good for you?!

Characteristics and advantages 


Characteristics   What?! What did you say?! 

Advantages   How is it good for you? 

Ask what the other person desires =Proper listening is vital for this! 

Are there tools to help you to success? (such as attractive presentation material) 

Points when implementing 

・Visualizing you achieving 


・Don't forget gratitude and respect 

・Know your own mental blocks. Get rid of them 

・Focus on what you an control   Not others or the past

・Clarify your top 2 priorities 

・Are you borrowing the help of others? 


Obstacles to achievement・・・

Mental blocks!

Limiting beliefs 


Comparing with others 

Thinking, I'm right the other person must be doing it wrong?! 

Are you a victim of the past

Control your words 

Desire is strong   Your will is weak 

Getting rid of mental blocks 

10 Laws of Success 


Self control 

Self image 

The laws of the heart 

Getting others help 

Specialized knowledge 

Future thinking 

Lifetime learning 



How to spend your time 

Having discipline 

1)Measuring performance  (how many times you do it? How many people did you meet?) 

2)Appropriate physiology (Health management for both body and mind)

3)Positive desires 

4)Empowering beliefs 

5)Weekly planning 

6)Daily planning 

7)Skill improvement 



1)Measuring performance 

Meeting new people is important, but it's hard to expand your friendship circle. 

Writing out all the people you have already met in your life until now 

and valuing those people and expanding from there is easy. 


5)Weekly planning 

Having no plan is a plan for failure 


6)Daily planning 

What is something that I want to achieve for sure today?! 

7)Skill improvement 

 Creating a strong relationships of trust with prospects 

  Hearing!   Knowing the other persons desires, issues and problems 


Evoke needs






 Management skills 


For what?

For who?



Men shouldn't cry 

Its hard to look at 

They should bear any type of suffering silently 




None of this are becoming of a man! 


From Demon Blade ・・・


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

