Thursday, July 23, 2020

We make 30,000 decisions each day. 40% of them are subconscious. That means life proceeds subconsciously

From July 25th 
From 13:00 live〜〜〜


4 steps!!!

Yesterday the 3 of us had a meeting 
We talked about the support plan for the "Children's Hospice" 

What I learned yesterday・・・

For people to become abundant
they need a "strong desire and excitement" 

There are people who have that clear 
and others for whom its not so clear

What makes that difference?!
A difference in habits・・・What kind of habits?

That's apparently・・・
the number of quests your ask yourself 
According to the number of questions you ask yourself, the clearer it becomes!!!

How do you want to become?
What do you want to gain?
what? why? where?
Ask yourself 
When do I want to feel excitement and joy? 
Have a conversation with yourself. 

We are created with the ability and senses to see, hear, and smell... these 3. 
Our emotions largely impact our motivation. 

Questions→Verbalizing it, and making it visual is important =Creating a vision board
Do incantations/affirmations while looking at that vision board 
20 minutes a day 

Gaze at your vision board 
Close your eyes 
Relive that vision in your minds eye 

Decide when you will achieve it by 
Because ・・・
Use those 20 minutes for imagination like that! 

This will then go into your subconscious. 

People make 30,000 decisions in a day 
Among those decisions, 40% of them are made subconsciously. 
(=that means our lives are unconsciously moving forward) 
Heighten the clarity of your subconscious decisions. 


This means our ways of seeing things and ways of thinking that "limit or hold back" ourselves. 

↓↓↓Can do it by when↓↓↓

 ・・・Limiting beliefs such as・・・
《No one (parents) will love me as I am》
《I am worthy and have value when I'm doing something, but without that, I am worthless》

 The reality of what is making it "hard to live" in this society. 

Limiting beliefs such as 
《You cannot be your true self》
《Must make your parents happy and answer to the expectations of others》 create the emotion of fear, 
and disturb you from being able to be your true self in front of others. 

All of things are simply your 
"beliefs" and "what you think about them" 
and it is not "truth" !!!

When you move towards your goal, 
we all go off course a little 

example) I don't have confidence 
In the past, ask what you were able to do well. 
"By the way, when you were an elementary , high school of junior high school student....until now....
 what could you do a bit of? Antything else?"

When I was a kid, I was good at the rubicons cube! 

"Why do you think you could do it fast?"
"Oh, because you did it for 3 hours" 
"Are you giving that much time to what you are doing now?" 

It's simply that we haven't ben giving that time and attention. 
So its just a belief. 

and bring the conversation back to your wants/desires. 

What do you aim for?
What will you do to move towards that?
And what do you believe?





AM news!↓↓↓