Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Men who are interested in themselves Women who are interested in others

Chairman Jack Ma from Alibaba 
"I respect Japan but there are two things that are regrettable"
His advice right before stepping down


What do you think it is?!
Two things!!!
It was unexpected (lol) 


"Men see the whole picture, and women see the details. 
It's easy to deceive your father, but not so for your mother. 

Most likely, men are better at completing things, but women are the ones who process things better. However, if you want to complete things in the best form, it's best that men and women do it together." 

Men who are interested in themselves. Women who are interested in others. 

The board rooms in Japan are full of silver haired men 


15.000 yen book!!!


■This is a compilation of know-how by 
Fumio Nishida who has supported multiple successful players in the 
world of sports. 

While reading the book, 
what I know from participating in his seminars, 
is that the results he has accumulated are overwhelming, 
and that supports his credibility. 

■This book by him, 
"The Laws of Good Luck" is extremely simple 

 First, set goals, and visualize it. 
   In other words, you have already achieved it inside your head. 

And then, with that excited self-image, 
  strengthen your set phrases (words) 
  and set actions (actions) . 

The difference between people who beocme superior and those who aren't isn't their brains. It is only about whether they are excited and stoked about what they do p107)

the more can make yourself believe 
how easy that goal is
then the chances of it coming true 
are heightened. 

・In the world of politics, there are many success politicians who are second or third generation, and the reason why they succeed with ease is because they were in an environment where they were able to see their father or grandfather leading up close, and so naturally, they developed a self image that "it's not surprising for them to also sit at the top of the world of politics." (p240)

The essence of this book is to 
   find the goals that make you excited, 
   visualize yourself as having achieved it, 
   and the skill part is to maintain that feeling of excitement. 

・Write out your life's mission sheet and write 20 things that you can say 
"My life is is for the purpose of doing this!" (p342)

■Through this book and seminar,
 I was able to strengthen my own self-image for the next 10 years. 

I think it's going to be a lucky 10 years 
 ★Here are 5 

■What I resonated with in this book 

・Good luck is all about whether you can grasp it ・・・The key to that is none other than to"be loved by those who have good luck and hang out with people who are lucky" (p197)

Think of 10 poeple that you are indebted to, such as the people who have supported you in your life, for example, your mentor, or your children, your empoyees, or your mother who birthed you, your father etc, and write their names on a paper. Feel "what you feel you owe them" and "how you want to return that debt" and go even further to write a specific "message to that person". (p312)

いVisualize with reality how and when you want to face death. Imagine it with reality, and your brain will do whatever it can think of and do whatever it can to live the way you need to, in order to face "death" in that ideal way. (p327)

・You are different from the average person. So please recognize the role that suits you, that role that only you can fulfill, and use that sense of mission and gratitude as a true motivator and as energy to use your life to fulfill your mission. (p345)
VR travel abroad
