Friday, July 10, 2020

Hearing many voices from the regions saying they "don't want people from Tokyo to come"

The Future Forecast by the Federation of Economic Organization ↓↓↓

This is what the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has released ↓↓↓

Things sped up with Corona〜
However, today there is news of 240 new infections・・・
what would happen if at this rate it increases to 300, 500, 1000 ?

Of course as there is a rise in testing,
there will also be more people who test positive,
but I wonder how serious the cases are?

I had planned to go to a party in Osaka on the 12th,
but I wonder if should be going from Tokyo?
so it's unfortunate but I cancelled it.
I hear quite a few people in the regions saying that "we don't want people from Tokyo to come"

I wonder when we can actually meet in real life for seminars and meetings?
I want to meet everyone soon!
I guess now isn't the best timing?!

Reference from Mr. Noda's mail magazine!

Rola and Unomo Kanda and others, more celebrities are leaving their agencies and switching to become a "freelance celeb"

"A large reason is because now it is possible for celebs to shine and also to make money from not only mass media centered around TV about also through the internet. Tegoshi who also had a press release about becoming independent talked about having his own media/channel and gave credit to the existence of SNS



I'm thinking of writing a book about Buddha・・・
I asked Sophie what she thinks the "10 teachings" are. 


1、Create money flow by continuing to give 
2、Turn your life around by keeping the 10 rules
3、Protecting your virtue safe, by not getting angry
4、People will follow you as you wholeheartedly enjoy everything in front of you 
5、Build the habit of meditation 
6、Confirm where in the world you came from (world vision) 
7、4 magical steps to realize your goals 
8、By thinking you will save the world, you will succeed a thousand times faster 
9、You can design your own life 
10、Did you do your coffee mediation today too? 

Plus 1 :Get the energy of your body on your side!

How wonderful!
Thank you!