Sunday, July 12, 2020

"Good" and "evil" ...."Angels" and "Devils...are all co-dependentーー "ONENESS=Thanks to you"

Alan Watts!!!


8 points


1)Caution is a narrowed perception
  By being cautious, you become unable to see the whole
      See the world as parts of the whole
      Start looking for the cause and effect
      Everything is one 
      We give names and look at them separately 

2)Everything is working together
   Ego is what makes us unable to understand that "you=everything" "you=god"    
     The entire world is yourself showing up in disguise
     Others are also you! 
     Even things that are opposing are also one「
3)Winners need losers to be winners 
      If you try to live without fear or desire =
  your actions will be based on desire and fear 
     Is there a way to not get caught in this race?!
  That is also the beginning of the race 
     If becoming someone famous is what you look forward to in life, then losers are necessary
What you are begins to depend on others 
Don't perceive that as something separate 
It's appropriate to see it all as one 
You can specify who you are, because there are others 
The reason why you are on top is because there are others under you 
To be holy, there needs to be those who are not. 

4)Groups can only exist once they are removed 
     Once you belong to a group, other groups exist 
      To exist means to clarify the difference between you and others 
      Realize that enemies are necessary for yo to support yourself 
5)Contradictions are created when you think of things separately
  The feeling of  "you" is the same as the the universe you experience 
=it's the process of life     Realize they are all patterns 
 Everything is one. 

6)Everything is 0 and 1 
  Sensory organs switch the wave frequencies from 0 to 1
     Our neural system is the same as a computer
     They have waves. The world is continuously vibrating
     There is no down that has no up. 

7)You do not exist as an individual
  Acquisition is a illusion 
      Even now, there is no other time 
     There is no one who can do "everything alone" 
    That's why you can understand "thanks to you" 
    You exist in everything 
    We live being supported. 
    So let's go ahead and compromise. 
    Live in oneness, like a game 

8)The devil is what makes angels possible 
      The devils are the ones that are supporting the angels position 
      They are interdependent 
      The game is working as a game 
       So respect that which opposes
      It's because of your enemies 
      You are depending on your competitors or enemies=humorous 
     You will no longer feel like attacking them 
     Everything has failures inside of them 
    But they try to overlook them 
Good and evil are co-dependent 
If you try to become an angel, you will awaken the devil 
It's best to think of it as a game 
Like a part of play 
Love them as enemies 
In the game of the world, all are necessary 
You are the only one in your world 

Everything is one 
There is "only one thing"
Who are you?! You exist because of others. 
How to effectively conquer in this game of life 