Friday, June 5, 2020

Is "investment" "FX???" →"Spending money to learn" →"for the future"

Yesterday's IG LIVE♪

I've left it up on IG TV for now

I'm going to collect all of your opinions 
and create a awesome bag around autumn♪


"The opposite of love is indifference 

If the opposite of indifference is love 

Then showing interest is love. "

"Where are you from?" 
"What are your parents doing?" 
"What did you major in in university? Your graduation thesis?" 
"What do you do on Sundays?" 
"Did you used to play sports?" 
"What would you do if it was sure you couldn't fail?" 

・・・Having interest in that person 
・・・Having interest in what that person is interested in. 

🔗"Brain tech" that supports the brain 
Outlook for the next 10 years 🔗

✅Brain tech
✅Next 10 year outlook 

Particularly in these past few years, the NRI has pointed out the increased use of latest  equipment and devices, and the use of software in areas outside of the medical field to utilize inrormation regarding the brain. 
The  3 main technical arenas that make up Brain Tech are(1)Acquisition and analysis of brain activity data (2)"Neuro feedback" apps that encourage a change in behavior by helping people recognize and be conscious of the state of their brain (3)"BCI" the interface that connects the brain with the computer 

Brain tech is a very interesting theme. 
A future where our brains will connect with computers! It's SciFi〜。


Let's learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine〜!!!


■ We are living on the learnings of others  

┌1)The era where Japan learned the most from the West 
In Ryotaro Shiba's famous book "Clouds of above the hill" 
he opens with these words. l

"A truly small country is 
now trying to welcome a period of enlightenment" 

In the Meiji period 
they put their all into becoming a modern nation
 to catch up with the great powers of the world. 

We learned of 

the  parliamentary system from England 

the police system from France

and science and medicine from Germany


During that time, there was the existence of "hired foreigners" 

┌2)The reward of these hired foreigners, higher than the Prime Minister?! 


For 30 years, from the Bakumatsu (end of edo period) until Meiji year 32, 
the Meiji government invited and hired 600〜900 foreign people annually as advisors, teachers and engineers. 

The government did not hold back in investing in learning. 

There is this interesting data. 

The right minister at the time, 
Gumi Iwakura's monthly salary was 600 yen, 
and Hirobumi Ito who became the first prime minister's monthly salary was 500 yen. 

In comparison, the monthly salary of say 
Verbeck who is said to be "the father of Japanese architecture" 
was 600 yen a month. 
Fenollosa, professor of Tokyo School of Fine Arts 
hada monthly salary of 500 yen. 

There were many other foreign educators 
who received a similar salary and in addition were also given 
pension after returning to their own countries. 

┌3)We are living on the learnings of others  

"I want to learn, but I don't have the money now." 

"I want to study, but I've been really busy, and can't make the time now・・・"

These are very common excuses. 

Of course everyone has their own situations.

However, the reality is that
The reason that we can live peaceful and rich days, 
is because 100 years ago, 
we learned at "unbelievable" levels"
and because there are those who set the foundation. 

Even if you do not learn, 
it may not inconvenience you now. 

However, for a future someone, 
it may cause a big disadvantage 

We are all living today, 
thanks to the learnings of another. 

Thank you for reading today too.

Referene for today's episode was taken with gratitude from below. 

”Challenge countries”  Japan, from catch up to frontrunner

2007    ChuoKoronShinsha
Author   Hiroshi Komiyama  