Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Basics of nurturing people found "here!"

Basics of nurturing people!

↓↓↓From Mr. Noda's mail magazine↓↓↓

"Show one

  tell one how to do it 

let one do it, 

and furthermore praise one; 

if not, one will not work well 

If you do not 
   then leave it to them, 
     people will not grow. 

Watch them trying with gratitude, 

and trust them or they will not grow." 

   (Isoroku Yamamoto)

What simple and concise words!!!


 "show one" 
"tell one how to do it" 
"let one do it" 
"praise one" and  that people will move! 

"talk about it" 
"entrust it to them" and people will grow! 

"doing it" 
"watching with gratitude" 
"trust them" and people will prosper! 



Yesterday I had a 
Instalive with Souun Takeda! 

Takumi Yamazaki ✖️ Souun Takeda "Amazing things happen easily" 

The existence of a observer!!!

I highly recommend quantum physics coaching too! 
Here you'll find the psychology of materializing vibrations!


I had past interview data sent to me! 


Are you pursuing life now? Or has your life stopped? How to unstop it 

Thank you for yesterday! 

I discovered a maniac boy in Fukuoka!
I want to introduce Terakawa-san〜♪

I'd love to host a supplement seminar for athletes〜♪

Meeting with buddies who published an E-book and achieved No.1 ranking !

For today's Fukushima select I've excerpt from "The Motivation Switch!"
which is my favorite book! 


【The Motivation Switch】
(excerpted from page:105  "Magical Words" )

『" I choose light"

The brgihter the light, the darker the shadows. 

And its easier for people to believe bad news, over good and positive news. 

When you are upset or feel irritated, 
we tend to attract things that irritate and upset us even more. 

Perhaps somewhere in our hearts we are rejoicing over being in that state. 

If you aren't happy, it’s harder to attract happiness. 

That's why I've created my own setting for my life, that it's happy and that only interesting things happen."

The message I picked up from this page.

There are 3 magic words written in "The Motivation Switch"
"I choose light" is one of those 3 words.

We all take in so much information every day.
However unfortunately, the reality is that a lot of that right now is bad information.

Even in human relationships, we tend to look at people's negative side.
We get irritated without really knowing why.
And take it out on others.

I've repeatedly had such experiences.
It's also true that some part of my heart was happy about that.

So it's not surprising that because I was living life like that,
its wasn't fun, and I was in a state of lacking motivation for a long time!

"I choose light"
y simply saying these words, we mysteriously find the light.

And it brings peace to my heart.
And that peace, creates more lasting motivation.

Please read "The Motivation Switch" and find out the other two "Magic Words".

You will find your own peace of heart and mind that is only yours! 