Saturday, March 21, 2020

Gifts change relationships.Gifts over money!

The "Sleep business" ・・・
Sleep=Strengthens your immune system

How you can sleep better? 
On secret was in the air in your bedroom!!! 

Thank you Noda-san! 
 I came to Atami yesterday. 

When you come to Atami・・・

you gotta have "Ichiman" gyoza, right?!(lol)

It's a beautiful day・・・
And I was surprised that there are so many people. 
The marine spa was open to. 

What should I do for lunch〜

"Wantan house" (The huge gyoza is delicious too) 
"MON" (sea urchin spaghetti, yikes!) 
"Scott" (western food) 


What shall I do ?!

From Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine・・・


■ "Gifts" utilize money and bonds/connections 

┌★.1Rewards that become "alive money" 
  Rewards that become "dead money" 

Here is a question. 

"Say you are an entrepreneur 
 running a business that has employees. 

What do you think you should do 
to increase the productivity of your employees?" 
A common answer would be・・・

"to raise their reward" 

It's true that money is one way 
to quickly raise motivation. 

the problem is after the 2nd time around. 

If the reward the second time is lower than the first, 
then the employees will have dissatisfaction. 

Even though you did reward them more. 

In other words, money can be a powerful motivator, 
but just having it, 
its effects will weaken. 

So, how can you make it "alive money"? 

There is an interesting experiment related to this. 

┌★.2 "Gifts" utilize money and bonds/connections 

This is an experiment by Elizabeth Dan and Mike Norton. 

The target was salesmen for a pharmaceutical company. 

The research time gave them 15 EUR per person. 

Then separated them in 2 groups 
and told them each different things.  

Group A

"This is a gift from the company 
so you can use it as you like." 

Group B

"Please use this money to buy a present 
for someone on your team." 


After that, they compared the business performance of each group and discovered something interesting. 

The subjects from【group A】who used the money as they wished, their performance increased  5 EUR per person. 

However, 【group B】who used their money for presents for their team members, their performance increased closed to 100 EUR! 

In other words, even though the cost of the reward (financial) was the same, 
by just changing the direction, the productivity increased 【20 times】

Why did such a thing happen? 

Notable behavioral economist, Dan Ariel says


Buying someone on your team a gift is 
the same as "oiling the wheels of the company." 


No matter the organization, 
if you don't pay attention eventually there are walls that are built up, 
and things fracture. 

Then, no matter how hard you try, 
the productivity will plateau. 

So what's needed there is something to repair the fractures. 

Gifts are an effective method for doing so. 

Through something you can see, 
you can "exchange" likes that can't be seen. 

Thank you for reading today too! 

Reference for today's episode was taken with gratitude from the following. 

Predictably Irrational

2020 Nikkei BP Marketing 

Author    Tomonobu Tominaga 
     Dan Ariely


Today's Fukushima select is

about a phrase I found in the book 『Life's Project

that came at a perfect timing, when I've been experimenting with spending more focused time than usual.

About adding "new actions" and "new dream plans" into the "new time".

This page gave me tips on how to enjoy life even more!!


【Life's Project】(p109: excerpted from "planning" )

"Everyone only has an equal amount of 24 hours in a day. 

There are always plenty of things to do, and not enough time. 

And when you're trying to start something new amongst that, 
there are 3  things you can do. 

One is to take a leap and quit doing something you've been doing until now. 

By lessening your habits, you can create new time. 
With new time, there will naturally be new actions. 

And you can semi-force yourself to add in "plans for your dreams." 

The message I got from this page

We are living in such an information society.

There are so many things to do in a day and not enough time.
I'm sure everyone feels that.

I feel that way too.

About the "lessening habits" that was written here,
one thing I tried lessening was "checking my smartphone."

The way to do this is simple.

Set your alarm at about 40 minutes, and during the time, put your phone away, out of your sight.
That's all.

By simply doing that, you can focus more on what you are doing,
and spend time a little differently.
Just a tiny tweak, and you can create "new time" for yourself.

With this "new time" you created,
you can add "time for your dreams" and new actions!

This is the message I picked up.

If I can cut out other habits, I can create even more "new time!"

Just thinking about it motivates me!

In this book, "Life's Project"
there are two other tips on how to start something new.

Please check it out in the book and try the other two tips‼️
