Friday, February 28, 2020

I had my first session with Bashar! Know your life's "blueprint"

Today I had my first session with Bashar (Darryl Anka)! 

I asked him, 

"which is more important, thinking or feeling?" 
and he said, "what comes before even that is your own beliefs." 

In other words, your "beliefs" are what create your "thoughts and feelings" 

Those who believe that "I'm a useless human" 
will in any situation think  "It's useless" 
and in any situation feel that "it's useless." 

"I should be more useful to others." 
"I am loved" 
"I enjoy each day" 
etc. etc.  (lol) 

"What do I believe now, that is creating this situation I am in now? 

By continuing to keep this belief, what kind of future will I have?" 

・・・by asking these questions, you can know your own "beliefs" =your life's blueprint! 

Whether you believe it or not・・・is up to you! 
Mr. Sekiguchi!!!


NAOKIMAN!Would love to host a Asa-Taku with him!!!

From about 5 min 15 seconds・・・

Mitsuro Sato ・・・

TSUTAYA in Roppongi Hills will have a renewal opening on March 7th!


全国の小中高、3月2日から臨時休校要請 首相: 日本経済新聞
Japan financial news on request to close down all schools nationwide from March 2nd