Monday, February 3, 2020

"Courage" is "sexy" People are attracted to "the fearless”

Ivana Chubbuck's day 2 was also very stimulating. 

Merging of the soul and the body ・・・

There is no need for you to be defined by someone 

Mirror work 
Look at yourself and say

i love u
i hate u

What emotions does it bring up.
Describe them in adjectives. 

Emotional diary 
Take back your power 
“I must overcome 〇〇”

Emotional diary

alcohol work 
Put water in your mouth, feel the warmth and love of the liquid. 

Listen to others words using inner work 
Inner work (hear it’s as the substitutes words)
Feel the place of where the time occurred・・

Camera is X-rays
The camera reflects the things you are thinking 

There is power in freedom 
Let go.
In the Appropriate moment. 

For good human relations
Healthy game =Competition 
Want to win!=it’s the core of humans 
Boxing exercise 

May not meet ever again ・・・
Going to war, right before death, saying goodbye
Work to remember the face/expression 

“Anger” is a passion   It can move mountains 
“Sorrow” will dig your grave. Make you into a loser. 

Desperately go back to the unresolved problems of your past.
Solve it! 

Courage is sexy. 
People are drawn to those who are unafraid.

With Actress Makie Sekiguchi,
And script writer Shizuka Ouki!!!

I requested Makie Sekiguchi
to come to next Kawaguchiko seminar
to give a workshop! 


I participated in Shizuka Ouki’s program. !

It was fun wasn’t it! 

DJ Aoi 


A skilled way of disliking is 
Not backbiting or gossiping, 
Quietly and elegantly disliking on your own
without grouping with others. 
Being respectful, especially to the person you dislike, 
And even if you are disliked, to interact as a beautiful you. 


Thanks for posting about the book! 

Thankful for the support by those in each region