Monday, February 3, 2020

Coaching is ”on-site verification" 99% of what people bring for consultation is not the true nature

:What are the experiences in the past that you are proud of?! 
+My successful role in the school festival when I was 2nd grade in junior high school 
:What sort of experience was it?
+ It was an almost exalting sense of achievement. 
+It was so exciting that everyone in the class united as one.
:What were the most impressionable scenes from that event? 

Like this, reflect and dig deeper on "famous experiences" 
the events of the past that are  + (positive experiences) 
Clearly relive that scene and experience it with your 5 senses. 

Where was it
What kind of lighting was it 
What did it smell like 
What was the wind like with everyone raising their voices together 
....listen in on the details. 

Go back to that pinpoint impressionable scene・・・
When you do, what are the emotions you felt that overwhelmed you?! 

Yesterday's seminar I was on my feet the whole time, so I couldn't take notes. 

I asked people for their notes! 
and received many notes from people. 
Thank you so much! 

↓↓↓First, here is Kai-san's notes↓↓↓

The influence of words is only7%
Body language is 58%
In order to influence others, 
it's important to have them experience the emotions of past problems.

Currently, individual values are more and more segmented 
※nobody is doing exactly the same thing

There is a limit when you decide others desires like "this must be it" and try to guide them towards it.
It's difficult to approach increasing motivation with the same reason because its different for everyone.
It's crucial to recognize each person's individual purpose and values and share those. 

Until now, the focus has been on performance (if it was high, they were recognized) 
How to utilize that performance with the emergence of AI. Our brain power is will be tested. 
What could we do using AI? What do we WANT to do? that's what's important.

<Hiramoto Theory>
 He implements a combination of these 3
 ①Flow Zone

➡Discover(What/how do you want to do?)
➡Realize (by clarifying your motivation, you can get on the rising escalator to reach your purpose)

<example of boy>
【Past +】
Used to be shy ・・・
Talked to everyone in his class
Was worried, but it wasn't as difficult as he thought
I could do this
It just might be fun 

He experienced a change in emotions
Tonight he will talk to the restaurant staff at the family restaurant 
※In what kind of situation, with what words ・・・・

【Past ー】
Didn't actually end up making so many friends・・・

Not good at sports ⇄Group that is good at sports
Put yourself in the shoes of the group that is good at sports, and from there, look at yourself who isn't good at sports.
 ➡What sort of person would you allow into your group?? 
  If the person would help raise the excitement then it'd be OK. 
 ➡Go back to yourself who isn't good at sports and appeal that you could help build up excitement

<Example of girl>
【Past ー】
I repeated a year in university and then quit 
because of my health
Lazing around in bed. 
If there was someone like that in front of you・・・

●See that you are blaming yourself 
What were the good points of having that experience?
Discover that by looking at the past you from the future you. 

The things you think are your problem are mostly all untrue. 
"What's true" is what can be played clearly as a movie and that both the person listening and the person themselves can imagine clearly ⬅Evaluation criteria 

Recognizing what is really deep down in your heart. 
See things from a birds eye point of view. 
※There are people who do instagram lives of themselves while studying 

①Action level➡ Start with implementing positive words and actions

②Cognitive level ➡Have people come to their own realizations. 
   Use the chair and move your body and actually experience it. 
③Emotion level➡Fear of heights 

 Even if you guide people to the answer, they will not change. 
   They need a clear motivation that comes from within themselves. 

From Tori Tori too・・・

Akio Hiramoto × Takumi Yamazaki    Let's learn about psychology seminar

Coaching=Bringing out the essence of what the other person really wants
Words are only 7% The information included in the way you act or move is overwhelmingly larger.


Put yourself in the others shoes, and think about how you could provide merit to them. =Know your own attraction points. 

Must not blame yourself for past negative experiences 
→Forgiving yourself comes first 
Accept yourself first. 

Re-live the past event with a sense of reality 
→Whether your body shrinks down and becomes smaller or loses all energy … Use your 5 senses to re-experience this to connect with your core emotions at the time. 

Coaching from past (-)→future (+)
①Accept the past you 
②Think of the positives that came out of the negative event 
③How could you make the most of this experience? 

Only when you connect with your core will you be able to see yourself from a birds eye view. 
=Dig deep into the core emotions in order to be able to see things objectively 
⇔If it's easy for you to see things objectively, then its not actually a problem. 

≠Is not communication between the coach and the client 
=It's the client connecting and communicating with their own past/present/future 
→The coach is there along side them to support that communication. 

Coaching is "on-site verification" 
→When listening, listen with a blank sheet of paper. =99% of what one says is the problem isn't the true nature of the issue. 
※Coach must not guide people towards their own assumptions! →If you do, they won't be able to reach their essence. 

If someone can't decide between A or B the answer is often C
Offer a different suggestion besides the two options. 

It's not necessarily true that there is only one thing you want to do. 
Along the time axis, create a map of its levels of importance. 
→Experience the future of it coming true fully, and set a deadline. 

Action Level -
Change you actions→ex.stretch, smile etc 
Cognition level -deeper understanding to really get the point.
Emotional level 

ex.someone who experienced power harassment 
If you are always acting frightened → Even people who have no intention of harassing you, start doing so. 

If you praise the experiences where one endured →Children will endure more and more 

"Counseling approach"

・Trauma-Go back to your point of trauma, and experience it again in a  real tl .ife way, and express your true thoughts then. 

・Over-thinking-Imagining the worst case scenario, and think of a way out → Even if the worst happens you could deal with it→Gives you a sense of security 

・Confused-Use small post its to write out your problems and get a grasp on them. 

・Lack of skill -What most people think are mental issues are not always mental issues. Sometimes it can be solved with just building a skill. 

・Trigger-Fear of heights→① How you want it to become  ②Relive the feeling in your body of relaxation. 

・Benefits-You feel there are benefits to the symptoms you are having → Show a replacement to the symptoms. 

"Communication is solved by visualizing it"


↓↓↓Tsukasa's memo↓↓↓

Thank you!