Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Anniversary!!! 34 years ago today my life changed!

34 years ago ・・・
on February 5th, 1986
I had a meeting that would change my life.

I met Yamada-san.

It was a shocking time.
I said I'd go listen to the talk for just one hour,
and went to his friend, Suzuki-san's house.
At the time I was living in Fukuyama-shi in Hiroshima.

I had planned to only stay one hour,
I stayed and listened for 8 hours.
At the time, my dream was to "become a P.E. teacher" 〜
I met truly wonderful teachers,
and my perspective on life changed drastically.
So I had aimed to become a "teacher."

However, ・・・
My meeting with Yamada-san was so wonderful,
and it overtook all the wonderful people I had met until then.

I thought, "I want to spend my next  2 years, until I graduate university near him."
If I could have a future like he speaks of, that would be amazing!
However, even if I couldn't, if I could be near him,
"I'm sure I can meet myself 2 years later as a completely different person"
And, when I stand in the classroom as a teacher, I could possibly be a completely different person?!

It'd be great if it went well!
It'd be fine if it doesn't too!
It was reversible (lol)

Since then, 34 years have passed!

I wrote about this in this bok.
What?! Why is this book say its 3600 yen?!
 It's supposed to be 700 yen?!


The law of attraction → The Law of Resonance
The energy of emotions !!!
"Emotions" are frequency!!!

Feeling relaxed→Correct
Feeling tense and small→Not correct→When that happens, go to sleep!!!


Let's go watch this play〜

↓↓↓Let's go〜↓↓↓

My friend will be performing too〜

I'm thankful for the support by those in each region!

So nice〜 Amami tour

 Food processor beautiful women♪

OJ、how are you? ?!

Nobutada-san, success! (lol)

Cebu is where I went the first time I went abroad! 


It's being sold!!!



This book is amazing!!!
