Thursday, January 23, 2020

What to choose→"At the end of the day, will I be filled with fulfillment or joy? →Choose joy or fulfillment


【26 minute commentary】
Make Time|Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky 
~How to Focus on what matters everyday~

I'm posting this again!

(What to choose?)

Choose what to do 

↓↓What is the standard for this?↓↓Urgency・Fulfillment・Joy (use your intuition to decide) 

If I choose this
"At the end of this day, will I feel fulfilled?"
"It's not something you have to do!!!" 

"At the end of this day, will I will overflowing with joy?"
(It could be something that would be considered a waste of time for others)

Choose your highlights that you will spend 60-90 minutes on!
Defend and protect your time to think!
Decide when you'll do it! 


Create a state of full concentration!

↓↓This is difficult↓↓Why?↓↓That is because・・・
Smartphones are created to rob us of our concentration!

Smartphones skillfully make use of the structure of the brain, to effectively steal your time.

The power of alerts   Humans have unexpected expectations =the Like alert!

Releases dopamine.
Humans enjoy gossip and through it try to gain a social position. 

Intentionally make it difficult to use your smartphone
Delete SNS applications
Delete games
Logout every time you use it=make it a little inconvenient
Turn off alerts
Empty out your home screen
Don't listen to news (What's important you'll hear about anyway!)
Say good bye to TV

This default time is what takes up 90% of our time. 

Not much has changed in our brains since the hunting and gathering days!!
Exercise every day! Even if its small steps, continue!
Walk around! =This is a miracle drug.   It will also give you time to think!
Intermediate fasting!   Empty stomach=Awakens our wild instincts 

Tuning=Time for reflection (write it down) 

Internal rewards over external rewards!!!

From Kanako Naito's mail magazine 


Good morning! 

It's not about 
whether there is or isn't "others reactions" 

Let us keep our focus and consciousness 
on the 

the amount of energy we ourselves  give out." 

People say,

if you spend money, it will come back in,

but if the purpose of your spending

has this "starting point" in inferiority

Or the "starting point" is loneliness

then by spending that money, 

the feelings of inferiority or loneliness

will only be amplified.

If you look at the "starting point" 
you will also be able to see the "end point." 

What will come back is not the  appearance of "money" 

but the "energy you gave out". 

What type of energy are you giving out?

Warm energy
Fun energy

If that's what you gave out,

that's what will come back.

It's that simple. 

The shape of it doesn't matter.

Even if its spending in the form of money,

or in the form of greeting someone kindly. 

Either one is fine 

"Give out the energy in advance" 

It's like playing rock paper scissors but already knowing what the other person put out.

There is no win or lose in this. 

The person who gave out,
the person who received
are both warmed. 

If you,
warm yourself.

Someone else
at the same time,
will also be warmed.

"Giving out energy first" 

If for you to remember,

that it's a warm world,
that you can warm yourself with.

Good morning!
It's rainy today. It's good for the humidity to go up sometimes. Because otherwise our skin gets all dry during this time. lol

What about a greeting like that? lol

To someone who passes by,
give them space to pass first. 

Pass things thoughtfully , so that it's easy for the other person to accept.

These small actions also give out energy.

Try to be conscious 

Of the words or actions that can give out the most energy 

in that moment. 

The reaction of the other person is irrelevant.

Your energy

Where your heart is

Your warm kindness 

Give it out to the world,

and then be warmed, by that very warmth.

If everyone reading this LINE did this together,

the heat of that would warm the world,
and I think the world will change.

The more your warm yourself,

the other-side of the world will also be warmed.

Let's laugh today!
Let's give first today!


Let me just say honestly,

my goal is world peace. 

I will entrust the charity work to professionals. 

I will

use the warm of our energy

that we give out every day, living our lives,

and the "consciousness" of it, 

to birth peace in our hearts.

Many tribulations
can also bring great joy!

With just your consciousness,

It's possible for "troubles" to immediately move to "joy"

and emptiness too

The more frustrating it is too.
There is an end.

Let's train for it! 


Compound disaster on May 11th, 2020?
Prophecy of economist and illuminati card 【urband legend

This is what Mr. Fujii fro S40 is always talking about! 


Today's Fukui Select

【17 Laws to realize your dreams】(excerpt from p40)

"There are many people that are moved by others talk, 

but there are less people who implement it in their lives as a daily habit. 

It's about making all the things you learn into a habit." 

Why I chose this↓↓

I was taught that

"When your habits change, your character changes."

If we turn what we learn into habits, it won't be a burden.
We can act easily.

Because we'd be acting unconsciously.

The day after I read this phrase, I realized something.

・Being in a good environment (social)
・Listening to speeches of successful people
・ Reading good books

I have been moving very actively for the above points and I thought it was a good thing for me.

However, from a different viewpoint,

It could also be me thinking somewhere in my heart that,

"That place or that group will change me"
So when things don't go well, I sometimes blame that environment.

 If I were to aim higher, I'd need the autonomy to say

"I'm going to change this space!"

For that, taking action is important.

One way to do that is,

"Making everything that you learn into a habit."

What's written here in 【17 Laws to realize your dreams】 gave me the hint I needed.


Surprises are so moving!!
