Saturday, January 25, 2020

Through "Observing" →Can control your emotions. Receive it and complete it. Don't reminisce

What is feasible until Singularity↓↓↓2045年


3D printers in convenience stores?!
Micro lens
Smart contact lens
High-rise buildings built without heavy machinery
No more distinction between industries
No more back-office tasks 
No more office work
Borderless intellectual labor
Countries that came later are faster
Huge buzz in Africa and India
Nigeria too
Sales will stay but in a different form
Mail will return automatically
Professional work like lawyers and accountants will switch to AI
 Drastic decrease due to AI and 3D printers
Humans will no longer need to work!!!

Vipassana Meditation


1)The truth of things  Fine particles+ Empty space
      Fine particles incessantly exist and disappear
     It's like a flow of vibrations that are constantly changing
  Current scientists proved that.
      Buddha talked about it 2500 years ago

2)The Truth of the Heart
  We go through the process of Consciousness, Perception, Sensation, Reaction !!!

  Consciousness→ Receiving live information (no value judgement)
  Perception→Recognize it. Classify. Decide whether good or bad.
      Sensation→Depending on perception, pleasant or unpleasant appears
  React→ How do we react to our sensations?!

3)"Me" does not exist
  Humans are like algorithms
     Living creature =Algorithm

    We have a consistent identity of "me"
    however humans are a  series of phenomena
    and are ruled by the law of cause and effect!
    It's merely the result of the cause immediately before.

  Its like strobe pictures/ Each moment is different!
      Rivers, candles, light bubles・・・new things are born from one to the next
     There is nothing that is permanent
     It's a continual phenomena

4)Each atom has a heart
  All things are the same
  Every atom has a heart
      Our whole bodies have hearts

5)The truth of reincarnation
  It is not something immutable (our identity) that is  reincarnated
  When we die, the particles are all separated and its simply a process of regeneration

6)The cause of suffering
  Suffering is 100% self-responsibility   It's our bodies and hearts!
     Me=a millefeuille of the present     It is not fixed.
     Like/dislike  → Attachment is born from the reaction of our hearts!
     Like/Dislike is born from judgement of a sensation!
     Why are sensations born? They are born through contact!
     We are experiencing this world through our hearts and 5 senses.
     A chain of cause and effect =The law of good luck
  Ignorance・Reaction・Attachment disappears→Leads to Satori (enlightenment)

The Noble Eight fold path ↓↓↓
  ・sila=morality (the right words/not killing living things)
  ・samadhi =meditation (training to focus the spirit, focusing on the breath)
  ・prajna= Training of wisdom, developing insight
  ・vipassanaー=understanding impermanence

Suffering begins from ignorance. 
Know the true state of the world. 

↓↓↓How to do the meditation ↓↓↓Starts from here↓↓↓

Method of meditation to notice the breath

・Understand breath meditation
・Suffering disappears
・Wishes come true


Notice the breath
Suffering is 100% self-responsibility
As long as you judge things as like/dislike ・・・there will always be suffering
Barbana training (meditation training)

Mental concentration
Breath meditation

 Focus on "Here and Now"!
Focus your consciousness on each thing=Breath
Notice minor deviations

From the outside world→To the inside world
Focus all nerves  onto your breath (nostrils)
It's not breathing training, but training to notice your breath!
Continuing the state of noticing your breath for a long time.
Even if idle thoughts come up, bring it back.
Idle thoughts=the habits of your heart

Concentration of your heart (=suffering disappears)

Can gain the right realizations
from observing your breath.
We take unconscious actions without realizing its true state.

What are you doing now?!
It's because you notice this, that you can change your future.

You can discover the parts of you you didn't know before.
You can become aware of your subconscious.
Of your cravings, disgust, and ignorance.
When you are calm, your breathing also becomes calm.
This is why you can be free from everything.

Here, now. That's what is right.
You will be able to realize this clearly.
And continue that state for longer periods of time.

If you have idle thoughts→Concentration on your breath
You will be able to notice more details about your whole body.

Focus all your nerves on your breath!
Onto your nostrils・・・

Notice, what you are doing now! 

Your hearts habits=Suffering
The conditions of your heart are what cause suffering

Rid yourself of those habits!!! That's the realization of Buddha!
Then you can live a calm life.

Realizing the how! =Satori (enlightenment)

Know the cause of suffering, and take that away!


Breath meditation to Vipassana!!!
Use that calm heart as a tool・・・


Developing insight!
Revelations of truth !
Special ways of seeing things!
Being aware of your sensations, and see things objectively!

Senses (window)=Reality
Be aware of your senses= This ties strongly with your heart
Observing your senses is observing your heart

Usually, we only notice what we sense strongly,
but when you do breath meditation, we can notice all of our senses.

From our heads to our toes.
From our toes to our head.
From our fingertips to the tip of our toes
Following the order・・・

There is no need to search for the cause of our senses.
The cause is not important.
Be aware and conscious of our senses now.

Start with bigger breaths → Slowly gets smaller
Vipassana is the same.
Focus on your senses.
If you become uncomfortable, switch to breath meditation.

Simply observing your senses. 
Don't let your heart be carried away. 

Experience impermanence with your body.
All senses are a series of changes.

This is me. 
This is mine.
Suffering=Desperately clinging to an illusion

Simply "observe"
Do not judge ・・・

Pain appears, disappears and appears again ・・・
Observe is as if it was someone else
and it'll disappear from the roots.

Don't react =liberation!!!
Suffering begins from ignorance.
Cut the chains of karma.
What's key is where the senses are born.
There is no judgement of good or bad.

The goal is  "to not react" 

Noticing and observing the slightest sensations in our bodies.
It happens and then goes away

Peace of mind

It's interesting isn't it (lol)

Add Sati!↓↓↓This word comes up many times!

The skill of letting go of your emotions


Adding Sati!
What is that?!="Adding observation"→Controlling your emotions

「Thoughts」・・・Thoughts move→Add sati!
「Question」・・・What to do?
「Action」・・・Reaction happens

If sati is included before the thoughts begin,
then its easier to let go.

See things "as they are" !(liberation/nirvana)

The speed of adding sati!!!
Sensations will no longer suffer

Receive it and end it. 
Don't continue reminiscing. 
Increase your intuition.

Realize that the world is "twisted" through "perception"


I came back to Japan!(heh)

 Keiko Iino was at Haneda airport for some reason. That was unexpected! (lol)


Huge explosion, talk in Philippines!(lol)


English starts coming out smoothly after day 3〜♪

Grateful to all the support from the regions!

The junior baby boomer poverty issue for men will be more miserable than women's poverty 


I tried picking up the key words!


Applicable to the "middle aged social withdrawal" issue too
There are an overwhelming number of more men experiencing social withdrawal
at a ratio of 3:1
The poverty issue for men from the junior baby boomer era is becoming more and more apparent.

A permanent part-timer in his 20's may be understandable,
but when you've reached over 30's, then there is a less of a place in society.

Eventually, they go back to their parents house as they can't keep up paying the bills
Their parents now are living on their savings and pensions,
but once their parents pass away, what will happen.
"the 8050 crisis" =(editorial note: Parents in their 80's and children in their 50's)
