Thursday, December 26, 2019

Seek to meet "others needs for recognition" rather than "your own need for recognition"

Be swayed by other people's opinions no longer!
How to go beyond desire for recognition, 
and to become completely self-sufficient. 

The desire to be recognized by others! 
This will hinder your life! 

Maslow's hierarchy of needs・・・
Physiological needs ↓↓↓
A need for safety↓↓↓
A need for affinity (desire for belonging)
Desire for recognition ↓↓↓

It's said that once those needs are met you can move onto 
the next stage. 

Everyone wants to be recognized. 
That's all the more reason to freely recognize others. 
Then everyone's needs for recognition will be fulfilled. 
Seek to fulfill others needs for recognition than your own! 

"You're a wonderful person" 

Your desire to want to fulfill your own needs for recognition will be met as you know that 
"You see yourself so it's okay." 
"God sees you so its okay" 

Posted "Lindaman" on "Super Yamazaki Academy" 

SNS skills!
Please learn it〜


Hiroshi Itsuki! 
He was so charming! 

So youthful!

Men's friendship・・・

My mother was over the moon!


[TAKUMENNY Homepage]
Takumi Yamazaki's restaurants in NYC LIC 

[TAKUMEN'S delivery]

[Takumen Apartment   Five fifty fifty  Sublet rooms]
If you're going to stay in NYC


Shimoda-san, was so interesting! 

Toko-san, a hot spring mania

Thank you!