Saturday, December 7, 2019

2 things needed to fulfill your wishes! "Ability to clarify your own desires" "The ability to attract and manifest what you desire"

 Ken Honda's special column "4 levels of achieving your wishes" 
There are 2 powers that you need.

1 is to clarify your own desires. 

The other is the ability to attract and manifest what you desire.

If one is missing, you can't achieve what you want. 

I don't think there are many 4,5 year old children who don't know what they want, yet there are not very many adults who know what they really want. 
For example, "I want to become rich!" "I want more money!" there are many who have this wish, but haven't really thought about clarifying exactly how much income they want, how much they want to spend on what, and the specific details. Most people only have a fuzzy image of their own desires and what they want. This is why their wishes don't become a reality. 

In order to clarify your desires, let's take a deeper look at desires and the mechanism for fulfilling your wishes. 

There are 4 levels to your wishes: imagination, dreams, goals, plans. 

<1:Imagination level>
This level is where you've in fact already given up from the beginning.

<2:Dream Level>
This level is where you don't know if it will come true or not.  It's not that you've given up on it like level 1, but you think it's quite difficult. You also don't really know what you need for it to become a reality. Which is why the percentage of  reaching it is about 20~30%
"I want to travel around the world. But how can I go?????" this is this level. 

<3:Goal Level>
A goal is a dream with a deadline on it. 
You believe that it can be a reality depending on how hard you try. You have a general idea of the steps you need to take. However, you're not fully confident whether it's possible. This level is "I want to travel the world. To do that I need to make ○○○amount of money." 

<4:Plan level>
YOu are confident that your desires will be manifest. You expect it. 
It is clear what needs to be done, so it will happen at almost

Write your wishes out on a paper in order to clarify your goals. 


What were formerly HongKong's slums which are no more. 
 Cuts by a photographer fascinated by "Kowloon Fort" 


gobeklitepe・・・why ? Why? 

According to strict scientific methods such as carbon dating, the result of the analysis, it was estimated that the ruins were built 11,500 years ago. 

In Japan that would be Jomon era. 

That would make it i
n theory, 7000 years before the completion of Giza's great pyramid. 

800,000 people on strike throughout all of France. 
Demonstration against change in pension policy. 
Transportation in a freeze 


Yesterday I stayed for a few hours in my hometown in Mie,
then went to Osaka at night. 

Team Honda, it was so fun! 
Thank you! 

The "gap" in price between organic vegetables and ordinary vegetables. 

Moved to Hiroshima from morning!!!

Oh my ?!

This was interesting !
Rie's product seminar・・・
Nobu-san presentation was also awesome〜!


Appreciation to those from each region!!!