Friday, October 4, 2019

The difference between a mediocre and successful person!

I joined them during their lunch time!(lol)


■ Where are there talented people who fail, and 
people who aren't that talented who succeed? 

All of us are hoping to change the results we get in our lives. 

Income, body shape, status, position, skill, ability, productivity, creativity etc.  
we hope to improve the results of a variety of things.

Whether that means to increase sales to 100 million 
or even just organizing your living room, 

in order to change your results
"changing your choices" becomes important. 

Because by making new choices, 
you can create a new future.

In reality, a client who had a very messy room, 

put into practice a routine of  "cleaning up 10 minutes every day" and within one month got a very clean room.

There were others that by just deciding that they will advertise their product once a day, doubled their ability to attract customers.

In other words, if you change your daily small choices, 
then it eventually brings with it big change. 

So, how do you change your choices?

As you've probably experienced yourself, 
with mere will power or inspiration, you'll eventually go back to where you were. 

To get straight to the point, to change your choices, you must "change your perception." 

In other words, 
if you look at things the same way, 
then you'll always be making the same decisions. 

For example, unless you change your belief that "I don't have time to clean up" 
then even spending "10 minutes per day" will not be possible. 

Unless you change your perception that "this goal is definitely impossible" 
then "continuing to act with high motivation" will become very difficult.

Many of us whine at our lack of ability or lack of action when we try but can't. 

But in actuality, the difference in results is most times just a "difference in perception"

In other words, the difference of whether you succeed or fail is in "how you perceive things." 

Have you ever thought, when someone was asking you for advice, 
"What if you tried looking at things differently?

You're looking at everything that's not going right, 
but what if you took time to also look at everything that is?"

One of the points in common that successful people have is to "change perception" (technically called ability to reframe) 

They continually change they perceive things. 

If you think, " you are being deprived of your power."
look at it from a different angle and ask, "how can I perceive this so that power will spring up."
The world famous coach Anthony Robbins says, 

"A mediocre person uses close to 80% 
 of the time in a day to think about problems. 

A person who succeeds uses 80%~90%
of the time to think of solutions for the desired future. "
In other words, the difference between a mediocre person and a successful person is, 
the "difference in perception." 

Whether you are using most of your life "to think about the problems." 
Or "to find ways to get the future you desire." 

Try spending time today to look for ways to bring about the future you want. 

I'm sure it will hugely change the quality of your day. 

I hope you found some tips from this. 

Takamasa Ikeda


Everyone is at the movie festival in Busan 〜

I've posted videos and photos on my Instagram♪

Yesterday was Super Yamazaki Academy

How was it everyone〜

Guest speaker was Soken-kun・・・
It was very very clear wasn't it!!!

Congratulations to PSP also!

It was a full award!!
B9−2(Second time B9)Go for it!
Please aim for B9W(Above 3% 6 legs of B9)!

Congratulations to B15's too!

And SP's・・・

FDD countdown begins!!!
What remains is ・・・

Want to be particular about this!
600,000 PV in 12 days!!!

In the same train of thought・・・

If the goal is 180,000 points
then it would be 70,000 pv in 12 days!!!

If its 600,000 points
then it would be 240,000 in 12 days!!!

Next month will be Lineman who will teach us "how to utilize SNS". 
PPSP,PSP,B9,B15's, let's be awarded on stage as 21%!

In the Philippines too・・・


I'll to on the 7th to 8th!!!

Last night I went to sushi with Soken-kun and Yocchan・・・

It was delicious〜!