Monday, September 23, 2019

"Poverty=Malnutrition" is not the case, rather, "Poverty=Diabetes" And....Bowel training!!!

Isn't this crazy?
This is why health literacy is so important. 

・・・from Noda-san. 

The poor class in Japan do not starve but become fat. 
The shock of over half of diabetic patients live on under 2 million in annual income. 
=Keisei Suzuki |  Money Voice

According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the results showed that the lower the income of a family, the more likely it is that their meals are based on carbohydrates such as rice and bread, and that they stop eating vegetables and meat. 
The reason for this is obvious. It is because carbohydrates are cheap. 

57.4% have an annual income of less than 2 million yen. 

This flow of....

"a disorderly lifestyle of obesity・lack of exerciseovereating"

"diabetes among low income classes caused by excess carbohydrates" 

 has now come to Japan. 

The reason why low income classes are more likely to develop severe diabetes because they can’t afford health check ups.  And even if an abnormality is detected at a health check up, they don't have the time or money to go to the hospital. 

They will not starve, but will be pickled in carbohydrates

"Poverty=Malnutrition" is not the case, rather, "Poverty=Diabetes"

The bowel genius, Yui-san


Your bowels and your brain are linked

『There are living creatures without a brain, but none without intestines』

What happens when you can produce serotonin and dopamine?
・Don't get irritated
・Are able to think calmly
・The feeling of an empty stomach feels comfortable
・No longer need to snack
・Get less tired
・Can fall asleep without drinking
・Have increased concentration
・Have heightened memory
・Are easily inspired with ideas
・Are motivated
・Work efficiency goes up
・Become positive
・Feel happiness easier
・Become kinder
・Less impulsive shopping
etc....there are so many good benefits! 

Tarzan(ターザン) 2019年9月12日号 No.771 [腸内環境を鍛えて目指せ、完璧...Tarzan(ターザン) 2019年9月12日号 No.771 [腸内環境を鍛えて目指せ、完璧...600円


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A cafe in Kyoto someone told me about !!!