Sunday, September 29, 2019

I'm calling out to others who think, "I also want to tidy my life and refresh it!"

Tomorrow I will tidy up and declutter all my stuff through the "KONMARI method"
Here I'm recruiting others who want to join me (lol)

I would like to recruit others who think, "I also want to tidy up my life and refresh it!"

You can watch her on Netflix too・・・

Calling out to all those who want to tidy up their lives, together with me!!!

Tidying up and decluttering, I could't do it for so long but・・・
at long last, Takumi Yamazaki 
has begun to move (lol) 

If there's anyone who is thinking, 

Yes, me too!!! 
Why don't we do it together? 
I made a community for such people! 

The promise here is・・・
If you join the group, 
you will be required to 

Share only within the community, 
Your room BEFORE you tidy-up・・・
and your room AFTER. 

So don't sign up without thinking. (lol) 

Hope to hear from you! 


Those who want to participate in this tidying group together with me, apply from below!!

※In the form, there is a place where you will enter your facebook ID. 
There is additional explanation within the form, so please be sure to confirm it. 


↓↓↓Let's learn a bit about it↓↓↓

RULES for tidying up. Start with your clothes, by KONMARI method.

Put all your clothes on the floor and immerse yourself in choosing only the clothes that "spark joy"!!!

The iron clad rule of the "KONMARI METHOD" is the order of tidying up.
Start with clothes, then books, papers and then accessories.
What you get to last is the memorabilia.

■Take it in your hand and touch it
If when you touch it, it "sparks joy" then that is what you will keep. 
Leave only the clothes that will give you confidence when you wear it・・・

The way of thinking regarding being "wasteful". 
Some people feel guilt about some clothes that are almost new and try to leave it as "house wear" by don't do it. 

■Disposal and Storage  Don't do it simultaneously  
What's important when choosing is to do it "all at once, in a short period, till you're done!" 


Coming so soon!Era of a worldwide Day Trip♪

Supersonic speed "Space Plane"
May begin service by 2030. 

Time between London and Sydney would become 4 hours!! 


Gut Health Life !


anan (アンアン) 2018/07/25 No.2111[本気の腸活。/中条あやみ]anan (アンアン) 2018/07/25 No.2111[本気の腸活。/中条あやみ]1,580円

Nutri Bifidus!!!
Probio↓↓↓Those interested, contact Ban-san!