Friday, September 6, 2019

If you were given a weeks worth of work on Monday ・・・ And told that if you finished it, you didn't need to come to work this week?

I received an announcement from the fan club. 

Marigold, reached over 100 milllion views !
A brilliant achievement for a domestic artist. 

Wow, 100 million views!!!! 

I'm back in Japan now!
This time in the Philippines I gave it my best. 
About 10 new members joined, and just a little ways to 100 members. 

Next month I will go on the 7th and 8th for two nights. 

And the water wheel・・・

If you were given a weeks worth of work on Monday ・・・
And told that if you finished it, you didn't need to come to work this week? 

Would you do that work slowly? lol

Or would you give it your all ・・・
Finish it by Wednesday night, 
and take Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday...4 consecutive days off?! 

If you were given a months worth of work at the beginning of the month ・・・
Wouldn't you finish it in 10 days and go on a trip for the rest of the 3 weeks? 

What if you were given a years worth of work at the start of the year? 
Would you finish it in 3 months, and take a massive vacation from April to December・・・

What if you were given 3 years worth? 
Would you finish it in a year, and take 2 years to study abroad? 
Or travel for a year around Europe, and then take a year to travel Asia?! 

What about 5 years worth・・・
10 years worth・・・
20 years worth・・・

What would you do?

It's a story of the people who finished their homework first could go play dodgeball in the school yard.  

Let's meet in the Philippines next month〜

Murkley ^^

New people who joined...had great vibes!!!


Everyone loves "Izakaya kojiro"!!!


Appreciation to everyone from each region〜♪

It's Oshima-kun!! 

Backstage the other day・・・