Wednesday, July 3, 2019

What is the job of the best leader? If you understand that, you can become a gold leader ...

I am learning fetish ...

This time, I'm learning from Michael Roach.

Showa is a culture of "acquisition"

Heisei is a "connected" culture

I think I will become a culture of "contribution".

This study session is

Based on that "contribution"

The theme of this six times is about "leadership".

The second time! ! !

Sophie who experienced a two week seminar in Sedona

It is a seminar share meeting.

Michael Roach is an American ...

After graduating from an American famous university

Do religious practice in Tibet,

After that, they tried to see if the business could be successful only with Buddhist teachings, and sold the company to Warren Buffett.

Currently I do seminars and consultations.

It is a study session about "Leadership" which he preachs. 


plant seeds···

・ Action



"Do not do bad things" is relatively easy.

"Do not think bad things" is difficult.

It is necessary to observe (patrol) one's own consciousness

This is called a shanche

The presence that restores the mischievous consciousness is called Denver

50% of people who work for headache medicine


Have seeds been sown that will work?

To that end, it is necessary to "do the past to improve people who are weak."

4 steps once!

1) Set clear goals

2) Find a partner with the same aspiration

3) Support the person one hour a week

4) Sleep while loving yourself contributing

Powerful soil = 2 partner

One. Past, people with benefits → parents, teachers, seniors, etc.

2 Urgent person

3 Influential people


One. The same thing you gave back will be returned Money → Money

2 Behavior is habitualized

3 The people and environment around you are creating

4 The next world is also being created

It sows 60 seeds per second.

(Performing recognition 65 times a second)

Even a smooth film 48 frames per second

Karma's Four Laws

One. Same result as planted seeds Watermelon grows when soaking watermelon

2 What comes back is bigger and comes back

3 If you do nothing, nothing will come back

4 If you do something, something will always return

Reinvestment of species

If you get one, give it to someone immediately.

Example) Money is 40,000 yen extraordinary income

I'll give someone 10% of 4,000 yen soon!

What is a leader?

Why do you want to be a leader?

"To bring people to good places" = Gold leader

stand out! motel! I want to rule! So you can not be a gold leader!

How do you become a leader?

Sowing seeds. for that purpose···

・ Enjoy the work

・ Working with passion

Then ... people come along without appealing.

Three enemies enjoying work

・ ゴ ロ ロ ゴ ロ 怠 毎 日 Every day, people are nearing death. Is that all right?

・ Start with low priority.

Fun to change the world> Fun in front of you

・ I can not do it! That laziness

Avoid important things in life

There is a seed that becomes a "gold leader" in everyone's mind.

Because you are empty ...

Put on your determination to avoid these three lazies!

Intellectual curiosity

・ Image of success

・ Specific strategy

・ Don't forget 4 steps

In the matter

-Problems that have already happened

・ There is a problem that has not happened yet

Before getting up

Shoot the missile down!

例 例 例 例 例

Waiting for a loan review. (A problem that has not happened yet)

Find your heart and solve problems of unsolved money immediately.

Then a loan goes through.


How to sprout bad seeds small

One. Think about pen

2 Intellectual regret (no need to blame yourself)

3 Commitment (With time limit → 2 weeks to bright!)

4 Act in balance

Once you make a hole, make a mountain!

There are two boxers

One sees himself full of blood and is excited!

One sees himself full of blood and turns!


I remember the "fun things I had" today.

And, we disassemble the fun thing and think about what kind of element there is ...

What should I do to increase that part tomorrow?

I remember today's "not fun".

And, we disassemble the thing that was not fun and think about what kind of element there is ...

How can I reduce that part tomorrow?


last night

We went to "Tokyo oyster bar" with Hadakage Law.

Then go to the pub "Hyuga" ...

Tokyo oyster bar


 Tokyo Goto Shinagawa Ward Higashi Gotanda 1-11-17 Hyuga Building 1F 

I enjoyed oyster〜

And "Nichinan" was delicious!

 Gotoda 1-chome 13-6, Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo 141-0022

I enjoyed〜♪

From morning today・・・

Morning meeting with a three-month consultation member! ! !

Learning from the morning ...

It was great again!

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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.