Thursday, September 10, 2015

You will cry・・・ please don't see this in train.

You will cry・・・ please don't see this in train.

One of the company made plan for mothers who works there.

It is the plan which prepare the opportunity to have meal with mother in one week earlier from Mother's Day. So we took survey to co-workers…

people counting for the question: 「How many days are you working a week?」

And「Are you still live with your mother?」

Then「When was last time you talked with your mother?」made stop them answering.

Start thinking…

more question about mother

When was last time you laughed with your mother?

What is your mother's favorite food?

When was last time you took meal together?

Have you tell your mother 'I love you'?

What is your mother's happiness ?

What will you do if you have a meal with her?

Thinking about mother…

tears on their eyes…

No words. This tells us a lot.

On last question, Many people answered「I want to say “Sorry”」「I want my mother make happy」

 They gave a letter with cry when they had dinner.

Thai restaurant made this CM「Bar B Q Plaza」

Mother's mean a lot.


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It was endless summer\uc0\u65281 lol

endless summer\u12539 \u12539 \u12539


Wow\u12539 \u12539 \u12539

bikini contest\u12539 \u12539 \u12539

Congratulation achievement\u65281

Thank you for fun night.

\u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343
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Thank you\uc0\u65281 \u65281 \u65281

\ \ \uc0\u12472 \u12514 \u12514  \u12491 \u12517 \u12540 \u12520 \u12540 \u12463 \ \
\ Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
\ Able to download if you click this site.}